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It started out as any other day would for Andrew, wake up, get dressed, eat, and then to school. It started out as any other day, or so he thought. Turns out finding out your best friend liking you (and you finding out you like him back) is not in the average 17 year old agenda. Andrew caught the bus, almost late for the fifth time. He saw his friend Kai sitting at the back. He was waving with a cheerful smile, not a big goofy smile nor a giant wave. Just a simple wave. Andrew sat next to Kai. They chatted the entire ride. Since today was the last day until Christmas break, they were allowed to hang out in the gym. Kai and Andrew split up, surprisingly, Andrew hanging out with his other friends: Peter, Will, Kiera, and Isabella. Kai read in the corner by the bleachers. Half an hour later, Kai asked Andrew if he could come to the boys bathroom with him. Andrew got nervous, the bathrooms held a reputation to reveal secrets, good or bad. When they arrived Kai seemed redder than usual "Umm well" Kai started "I...," he stopped "I love you," he finally managed to blurt out. "Well I kind of have a crush on somebody, too," said Andrew, "and it'" now both of them were blushing. Kai pecked Andrew on the cheek, redder than ever. "So," he said. They both knew how awkward it was and burst out laughing. When they came back to the gym it was time to head to Homeroom. When school was over Kai and Andrew headed to Kai's house to play some Mario Odyssey, Kai was always strategic in the boss battles while Andrew always spammed buttons. "Hey wanna stay for dinner, we can have my Mum's tacos!" Kai offered, his Mum's tacos were the best. "Boys! Dinner!" Mrs. Lee called. "Coming, Mrs. Lee!" Andrew shouted back. The boys hurried downstairs. Mr. and Mrs. Lee sat down at the dinner table while Kai and Andrew sat by the T.V.. They both enjoyed dinner while watching funny cartoons and making jokes about it. When it was 7:00 Andrew's Mom called "Where are you, Andrew?!" Mrs. LeCia shouted. "Don't worry Mom, I'm fine," Andrew answered, "I'm just at Kai's." "Oh," Mrs. LeCia said, she was quite fond of Kai and his family, they had been friends for a long time now. "Ask if you can sleep over!" Kai whispered. "Hey, Mom, Can I stay over since break just started?" Andrew asked. "Oh...sure," said Mrs. LeCia "YESSSS!" both Kai and Andrew shouted. "K! Bye Mom! Thaaaaaaaaanks!" Andrew said before hanging up. "Come to my room!" said Kai. Andrew followed Kai to his room upstairs. It was painted blue, the sunset shone through the blinds, in the corner Kai was taking off his shirt. They both usually sleep with their shirts off, Kai in his bed and Andrew in his sleeping bag. Andrew didn't have a sleeping bag tonight though so Andrew climbed in with Kai.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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