Miss Isabella Part 5

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Younger Ace's POV

I wish I can be one of the cool kids. I wanna be friends with them as well. But one can hope...

Bryant: Hey Ice!

Ace: Um it is actually Ace.

Bryant: So Ice, do you want to become one of us?

Ace: Yes it is the only thing I ever want to be!

Bryant: Cool so we have to do the initiation first before you become popular. Here are me and my friends homework and when you are done with all of our homework come to the old empty art room tomorrow. Ok?

Ace: Ok I will do it all! Thank you for the opportunity!

                                                              Ace runs quickly home 

Nick: Are you really going to let him in the group?

Bryant: No of course not! He is just a pathetic weakling that would do anything that we want! SO this is our plan for tomorrow when he comes in the room.

                                                              Bryant whispers the plan to Nick

Nick: Oh this is a brilliant plan Bryant! 

Bryant: Thank you I also think it is brilliant!

Nick: I thought of a name for you! Brilliant plan Bryant!

Bryant: Don't call me that, or you will regret it!

Nick: Ok sorry!

                                                                          The next day

Ace's POV

Once I come in the classroom I will finally become one of the cool kids! 

                                                                            Ace comes in

Ace: Hello? Bryant? Why is it is so dark in here? Is anyone here?

                                                    The door shuts and lights turn on

Bryant: Hello Ace. Where is our homework?

Ace: Here it is all finished! I also checked it two times so I was sure it was all correct!

Bryant: Great! 

                                                            Bryant walks away from Ace

Ace: Where are you going?

Bryant: Everyone get him!

Will: My pleasure!

Nick: I have been waiting for this!

Ace: Wait why are you grabbing me? Let me go! Bryant what is happening I thought I was one of you!?

Bryant: Ha! You really thought we would let you in the group! Never in your sad life! I only used you to finish my really hard homework and humiliate you! 

Ace: Why are you doing this?

Bryant: Because I want to! And you can't do anything about it! Now girls and boys do what is needed to be done!

Rose: Ace you are so pathetic!

                                      Bryant walks out the classroom when they start punching him

Ace: Let me go!

Alice: Aw! He is about to cry! You crybaby!

Nick: You want your mama!

Casey: I want you to never forget this moment!

                                                     They stop punching him and he runs away

                                                            *Flashback fading away*

Isabella: Wait! Why would you choose to remember this memory forever? It is so horrible!

Ace: That is because I am not finished. So may I continue?

Isabella: Sorry go ahead.

                                                                         *Back to the flashback* 

                                           Ace is crying behind the bushes and Isabella sees him

Isabella: Hey what's wrong?

Ace: I thought the cool kids actually like me, but they just used me and called me weak and useless....

Isabella: Well it is their fault that they made the biggest mistake of their life!

Ace: What do you mean by that?

Isabella: No one is useless and you are not weak you just need to have courage and confidence to achieve! So stop crying and toughen up to show them you are not weak and useless!

Ace: You are right! I am going to toughen up and be a great person who protects people! Hey what is your name?

Isabella: My name is Isabella!

Ace: I am going to call you Izzy! 

Isabella: Great!

Ace: So we are now friends! Oh my gosh it is raining outside! Are you walking home?

Isabella: Yes because my parents forgot to call the limo to pick me up.

Ace: You can go with me and my mom! We can drop you off!

Isabella: Sounds great!

                            They went to the car and on the way Ace fell asleep on Izzy's shoulder

Isabella: I'm home! Bye Ace see you Monday!

Ace: Bye! Nice meeting you!

Ace's POV

Thank you for everything...........

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