Christmas 2018

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Four years ago, the S.I.D. was formed with nine members, plus a secret backer, all of them having a tragedy in their lives involving a rich and powerful person who seemed to be above the law. With individual strengths, sheer determination and dedication to the cause, they succeeded in accomplishing all of their missions - they exacted revenge on each of their targets, proving that while it may take some time, everyone could be brought to justice.

After the last revenge was completed, the members all found new lives. The first year on their own was very busy, trying to figure out what to do, sending out resumes, going to interviews, and then finally settling in their new jobs. Most of them worked out of the original S.I.D. office that was owned by the secret backer, so although they had all branched out away from the S.I.D., they still remained a close knit family. Now and then, a person determined enough would show up at their office to ask for their help, and the S.I.D. would all immediately gather and plot and execute justice on another powerful figure.

Zhao Xin Chin, the S.I.D.'s former secret backer was now semi-retired and worked at the Ministry as a part time consultant whose experience and talents were still very much needed by the newer staff. The image of the government had recently improved with some mysterious dismissal of a shady foreign ambassador who was caught smuggling drugs and foreign cash, leading to the investigation of more officials who abused their positions. The former head of the Ministry of Health recently resigned - the rumor was he lost many of his rich supporters after he could no longer get special medical treatment, namely transplants, for them.

Officer Da Qing graduated the police academy at the top of his class and was diligently patrolling, helping little old ladies and men with their bundles, catching petty thieves, and had recently started doing the footwork for a detective and Zhao Yunlan's former rival Cong Bo. The exams to become a detective was coming up in a few months, so he was busy studying every free moment he had, and made a pest of himself peppering Cong Bo and Zhao Yunlan with questions.

Sifu Chu Shu Zhi was extremely proud of his students' performance at the latest kung fu tournament. Several of them won or placed in their weight classes, and the judges also remarked that all of them conducted themselves with class and dignity. There was a long waiting list for his children's class, and his evening adult classes were also often full. When everyone could make time, he also taught the other members basic self-defense moves.

Guo Changcheng had developed into a very accomplished investigative writer, digging deep but also making sure that the facts were all there and accurate, unlike paparazzi who only went for the sensational shots and stories. Having connections to the police department helped with the tips, and he also cooperated with them as well. He was never able to learn much self-defense in Sifu Chu's class, but it did not seem to matter, since Sifu Chu always seemed to be available whenever Little Guo felt he needed back up.

Lin Jing, the man child, still remained the office clown and a very profitable one. One of his games, "The Four Holy Tools" was made into a movie - good and evil both clashed to gain the four objects to use them to either save or destroy the world, and Lin Jing managed to work in some romance between the two main characters - a police detective and a university professor (for which Zhao Yunlan demanded some royalties). The S.I.D. members still remained the only shareholders of his company Super Saiyan, and he would always be grateful for the capital everyone gave him to start up his company.

Zhu Hong extended her healing techniques from herbs to acupressure and acupuncture, but her potions were still considered the best in the area, and many came from far and wide for them. A TV producer also approached her after being treated once, and she soon had a weekly show on which she introduced herbs and pressure points for beauty for women, and for strength and stamina for men. Once one got past her intimidating appearance and disposition, they would see a very compassionate side of her, and she was very popular with people of all ages.

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