Chapter 4

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Nikki's pov:

. I decided to check the iPad that we had set up with our bands official, Facebook , twitter , emails , Instagram ,keek , tumblr and vine. Yeah we have a lot of work, it's hard keeping up with all those apps and updating them all, buts its an cool way to stay connected with the fans. I update some stuff and I went to sleep.

Sam pov :

Nikki was sleeping by the time I got out. I grabbed my phone my drumsticks, my key card, and my headphones and walked out of the hotel room. I went down the elevator and went through the big glass doors to the beach area. I walked out for a few minuets to get away from people but a volleyball game going on between a few guys and sat down and just listened to my music. I decided to work on the part for our new song. I took out my drumsticks from my back pocket and started to drum lightly on the sand I front of me. Next thing I knew a volleyball rolled next to me.

"Hello." A cute blonde guy with an Australian accent said.

"Hey." I said as I took the ball in my hands.

"What were you doing?" He asked as he stood blocking the sun from me.

"I was just working on a part for One of my songs. Would you like another player?" I asked.

"You play? & sure." He said.

"Yep. And I sing, I'm Sam." I said as I got up and held out my hand.

"I'm Luke." The cute guy smiled and shook my hand. We started walking toward the net.

"That's funny.. I'm supposed to go on tour with a guy named Luke.. Along with ashton.. Michael and Calum..." I laughed as I took off my shoes.

"It's not 5 seconds of summer is it?" He smiled.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked.

"We are 5 seconds of summer." He laughed.

"Are you really?" I smiled really big.

"Yes. Are you Sam Harte? From Today is the day?" He asked.

"The one and only. My sister is in the room sleeping." I laughed.

"Guys!" Luke said as we reached the volleyball net.

"You go to get the ball... Then come back with not only the ball but a cute girl too?" Calum laughed.

"No. Well yes. But not any girl. This is Sam Harte. The one from Today is the Day." He laughed.

"Really?" Aston laughed.

"Yes sir." I smiled.

"Well. Do you want to play?" Michael asked as he went under the net to talk to me like the other guys did.

"Yeah. Sure." I said as I set my phone, my sticks, and my shoes off to the side with the guys stuff.

"Who's team?" I asked.

"Uh. I'll let you be on the good team" Luke laughed.

"Or. Brunettes vs blondes." Michael suggested.

"I like michaels idea." Calum said.

"Let's do it then." Ashton said as he went to the north side of the court.

"We won last so, Sam you serve." Luke said throwing the ball to me. I served the ball and they missed. The game went on and on until my team won.

"Okay... Never doing that again..." Ashton laughed. Next time I'm on her team.

"Okay." I laughed.

"So Sam are you excited for the tour?" Calum asked as we all sat in a circle.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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