Chapter 10 - The Wedding( Part 2 )

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Chapter 10- The Wedding

Mason's POV

Right after, the wedding it was time for the reception and we all went next door. The reception hall was broad with a band in the front, and strobe lights flaring everywhere, and a bar ( that I will be checking out later ) and several tables and chairs for the guests to sit at.

When I got to my table, I noticed that the other people that are supposed to be sitting here, were Tyson, Adri and Skylar. Just. My. Damn. Luck.

When everyone was seated, and the music was going , and everyone was dancing, Adri was the first to speak.

" I am hungry, I need food" I chuckled at what she said

" Of course your the first to be hungry , you could eat a whole pizza pie and NOT gain a single pound " I said rolling my eyes

" I know, it's one of my great gifts " She said winking  and got up to get some food.

When she came back, she what looked like , ribs , spanish rice,white rice, curry goat ,and fried chicken

" Really Adri you have the whole world on your plate?" Tyson said laughing

" I was gonna share with you, but I guess not!" Abercrombie said in mock horror

" Fine, fine" Tyson said in surrender. Then those two sat there, feeding each other food and it was making my stomach churn. I wanted to be in Tyson's place, I tried SO hard and he just takes the place I wanted

" Someone's jealous " Skylar whispers in my ear

" Very " I replied. And I coninued on watching them until I couldn't stand it anymore. I went over to the bar and took a nice shot of Jack daniels, about 3 before I saw Tyson and Abercrombie slow dancing. It was just sickening me.

Then before I could do anything, I saw Dylan on stage with a mic and the spotlight on her

" Okay, so thank you all for coming, I'm hoping your having a great time" She stopped for hoots of replies " But we have something special for you, and no I'm not pregnant " She stopped again for laughter " My best friend, the head bridesmaid, the best woman, my new sister-in-law will be singing for us so give it up for Adri!" She said clapping her hands

Abercrombie went on stage and seconds before she opened her mouth to sing, she said

" Wait" Then she wispered to Dylan to help her look less idiotic. So she took off her stockings and put on her sneakers, then she ripped the bow off and let her hair free fall and put her cross bone head band on. I smiled to myself that's the Abercrombie I know

Skylar got up from her seat and said "You know how long it took me to get you looking all nice and you do that, wha--" She didn't finish, Landon clamped her mouth shut and said

"Continue" Everyone began laughing, when the laughing died down Adri said

" Dyl, this is your new Wolfe family, embrace it" and everyone laughed again when laughing died down Adri got on stage to sing again

She was about to sing before she said "Wait!' again. She ran off stage and went to me

" Go sing!" I said confused

" I can't there's too many people out there" She said pleading

" Don't worry I'll be right here, you know what to do " I said, she smiled and went back on stage

" Sorry for the hold up! Landon, my awesome older brother, Dyl my best friend and sister-in-law, this is for you" and the music began. And I sat here mouthing the words with her

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