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He made sure the door clicked shut, then he turned around and looked at me.

I put my phone on his window seat and turned around.

He ran his fingers through his hair.

He smirked at me and started walking towards me.

He came really close to me and smirked even more.

He leaned in, "let's trash the place," he smiled and backed up grinning.

I smiled and nodded, opening his closet door quietly, you never know when they could be listening.

I started grabbing things off hangers and throwing them everywhere.

Nash took everything out of his dresser and hung some on the fan.

He tipped the dresser on its side and pulled cams bed sheets and comforter off.

He grabbed all if his pillows and threw them in random places.

I grabbed cams mattress and flipped it on it's side.

Nash grabbed a pad of sticky notes off cams desk and started writing a word on each one.

He used about half the pad, spelling out

'we love you cam! sorry for the mess. have fun cleaning! love Nash and ash :)'

On individual sticky notes.

We stuck them to his wall in order.

My phone started ringing.

"I'll get it," we both said in sync.

We both walked toward my phone and he grabbed it then on accident I put my hand on top of his,, fibbing my the chills.

We both quickly pulled away and I grabbed my phone and answered it.

It was shawn.

"A minute left." I heard Cameron's smirk as he spoke.

"Okay Cameron," I rolled my eyes and hung up.

I turned around and bumped into Nash because he was practically over my shoulder and I didn't notice it when I was on the phone.

"Sorr-" Nash lifted my chin to his lips and his hands landed on either side of my face.

He moved backwards and bumped into the dresser that was on its side, breaking the kiss.

He pulled away from me and I chuckled as he stumbled.

He stood up straight and pulled me into a hug.

"I know things have happened in your life lately, fairly quick actually. I just want things to go back to where they were before..." he spoke and I dug my head into his neck.

He slightly pulled away so I was face to face with him.

"Me too, trust me..." I looked down at my arm and he kissed my forehead.

I have him a shirt sweet kiss on the lips and some one pounded there fist on the door.

"Times up!" I heard shawn say and Nash opened the door, trying to not let shawn see what we did to cams room.

He shut the door.

"Piggy back ride?" he asked me and I nodded jumping on his back.

He carried my down the stairs then plopped me down next to Cameron.

"Soo?" Jack smirked at Nash.

"What? nothing happened." Nash said.

And Jack looked like he believed him, when actually something did happen, hopefully no one thought much of it..

"Okay who's turn?" I asked.

"Yours," shawn handed me the bowl.

I took it and mixed the papers up with my fingers.

I pulled one out.

"Take off one layer of clothing." I read aloud.

I looked down at my feet and smiled.

I pulled off my socks and threw them at shawn.

"There." I smiled really big and set my feet on the floor.


I got into bed and I heard Cameron open his door for the first time tonight.

"Ashlynn!" he yelled.

I started laughing and he ran down the stairs into my room.

I giggled at him.

"You little brat." he smiled and came over to me.

He started tickling my on my sides.

I squirmed, trying to get out of his grip, but being to weak from laughing so hard.

He stopped and sat beside me.

I Smiled really cheesy.

"Dork." he smiled poking my cheek.

I booped his nose and he grinned.

"So that's why you guys were so quiet, you were trashing my room, and leaving notes on my wall with all my sticky notes." he laughed and u crossed my legs, underneath the blanket.

"All because we love you." I smiled and he laid his head In my lap.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"You don't know how bad I want to kiss you." he smiled really big.



I am soo fricken soar rn.

From like pe and dance and ugh.

I had to get Into my desk like an old person, and same with walking up and down the stairs.

Fact about mee:

I haven't kissed a boy yet... I know. 😂

Lololol shh.

Okay I'm really tired so I'm going to sleep now so night :)


Another chance?// Nash grier & Jack JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now