Chapter 2

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Present day-Williams Pov

I cracked my knuckles for the hundreth time since Nicole disapeared into the nurses office as quickley as she could to get out of my arms and away from me. I guess I could go back to class but I couldn't pull myself away.  

"I was just a disposible possesion to you." her words rang in my head, searing me like acid. That day a month ago I had thought she didn't care, that she had felt it was no more than a harmless summer fling. In some ways that had pained me more than I would ever admitt out loud but I had thought she was pain free and that had made everthing easier. But when she had spoken those words I could see she was hurting and her noncaring attitude back in Ireland had been nothing but an act. I should have known, despite only spent that short summer with her, I knew her well. Or at least I thought I had. 

"William, right?" The girl who had shown me the way to the nurses office tapped me on my shoulder. "I'm Abigal. I couldn't help but wonder if you knew Nicole." 

I wasn't sure if Nicole would want me telling the girl we knew each other, but I guess it couldn't hurt much since she already hated me. I nodded in response and turned my face back to the closed office door. I couldn't help but wonder how she was doing. She had hit her head pretty hard. Every protective instict in me wanted to ripped the door open and demand to see her. Though it would probably only make Nicole angrier at me and I really didn't need to give her any more reasons. I knew there was only one way to ensure I didn't hurt her anymore, but I couldn't bare to leave her for fear of any harm coming to her. 

Making up my mind I turned to Abigal who sat in one of the chairs that lined the office wall. "You will let me know how she is later, right?" 

When she nodded I turned for one last look at the door in case that time I could see through it, I couldn't, so I turned and left. I would never be able to leave her life completely but I would stay out of her way to forever remaining in the shadows after all that's were a beast belonged. 


Present Day-Nicole's POV

It never ceased to amaze me the shear size of Holly's home. The estate covered two acres of land. The house sat on about a third of that, with a seperate living quarters for the 60 person staff and their families, a pool house, tennis court, stables and a small forest filled with riding trails. I stood on the porch in front of a towering set of double doors half expecting Dracula to invite me in. It seemed Dracula was eating out tonight and in his place Otis the old butler opened the door with a friendly smile. He was nearly bowled over when Holly came flying down the stairs in her pajama's to greet me. He body slamed into mine and we fell onto the foyer floor. Before we had a chance to stand back up, Jackie yelled, "Dogpile!" and landed on top of us soon followed by Abigal. The dogpile turned into a game of twister as we tried to get up while laughing hard enough to crack ribs. When we finally all stood we turned to find Otis standing a good two feet away with an amused smile on his wrinkled face.  

"You better be glad your mother didn't see you do that Miss. Holly, especially since you are in your pajamas and reciving guests."  

Holly made a shocked face and began to strut around the room. "What are you talking about Otis, Darling? These are all the rage in Paris." She twirled and struck a pose to show off her Pepe' le Pew Pajama pants that were wrinkled and fade with age. We all burst out laughing and then head up stairs, following the long hallway to Holly's bedroom. 

Later we all sat on her huge king size bed in a circle, all of us clad in our own Looney tune pajamas, mine were tweety bird. The girls we laughing at my graceful exit to science class. I sat waiting for them to ask the question they all really wanted to know. Finally it was voiced by Jackie she was nearly vibrating with excitment. Although her voice was cool and compose it was belied by her bright eyes and wide smile. "So, Nicole, do you know the knew boy?" 

All the girls we watching me expectantly. "Yes. I met him in Ireland. You know the girl I was staying with?" When they nodded I continued."He's her brother. There isn't much more to tell." It was a boldfaced lie, but I didn't want to talk about it.  

Jackie granted my wish as she started bouncing on the bed. "I knew it! It was so sweet the way he scooped you up like a glass feather!" 

Abigal raised an eyebrow at Jackie. "A glass feather?" 

Holly started laughing. "That's funny, Nic's not nearly that dainty!" 

I sent her a glare then wacked her over the head with my pillow. That started a pillow fight and thankfully we didn't talk about William for the rest of the night, but I would still have to see him the next day at school. 


Ireland, a week into the summer. 

I had landed in Ireland and hour ago and I was already in love, The green rolling hills were straight out of a fairytale. I sat in the passenger seat of my friend's car. Her name was Titania. She was born and bred in Ireland but she had been in America in my small town prospecting a place to set up a new branch for a construction company her family owned. She had eaten lunch almost everyday at the cafe I worked at. We had become fast friends. 

So good a friends in fact she invited me to stay the summer with her and her family for the summer. I jumped at the chance. Ireland ahe always intrigued me and I was extatic. The feeling didn't wear off even as I sat staring out the window. I could invision myself with my tongue hanging out like an excited puppy, but I didn't care. 

I could hear Titania chuckle from the drivers seat. I turned and grinned at her. Before I could utter the words I had been repeating since we had got on the plane, she rasied a hand to silence me. My grin widened making me fear my face would crack under the stress. 

When we arrived I jumped out of the car doing a little happy dance and breathing deep the smell of fresh grass. Titania smiled at my antics as she came around the car. I ran over and hugged her. 

"Alright no mauling the driver." She spoke in a pretend stern voice, but I knew without looking that her eyes twinkled with laughter. I stepped back my eyes drawn to my surrounding once again."Welcome to Ireland"

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