The Sky , the stream and everything in between

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The Sky ,Stream and everything in between.

“There was once a field , in a faraway place with a big bright sky that was the only thing that could be seen for miles , it stretched out , big and blue for miles on end. Small clouds drifting by. Clean and crisp they floated gracefully through the air.

Large plains of grass swayed gently in the passing breeze , the breeze touched each stalk of grass gently swaying it to and fro as if to be intertwined in a dance.

Small flowers dotted this grass, their petals small yet shimmering , their colors reflecting the light , bounding off one another creating a rainbow , these flowers also swayed to and fro , and sometimes their small petals would break off and floating carelessly away in the wind , joining the clouds in the bright blue sky.

They would rise through the air , gently turning and flipping , being carried easily away in the wind.

One day a small stream , so insignificant looking broke through this field of grass , it flowed slowly and calmly , its current sweeping away anything that landed on the surface.

Although it was different and it broke the harmony of the field , in a way it added to the beauty.

As if it were a song , the small stream only added those necessary notes. If it weren’t there , the song wouldn’t be complete.

Even though it was such a small stream it kept true to itself ,  even as the grass bent over to shun it the little stream kept flowing , it kept singing its notes as its small current flowed through it , it kept shining just like the sun no matter how tall the grass grew or how strong the wind blew.

Even when the great oak tree came and no matter how large it grew and no matter how much sunlight it blocked from reaching the small stream it never stopped shining.

For this small stream had a wish , to be special. To be seen.

Even if it was just for a moment , it wanted the pleasure of being glanced at.

So the little stream kept going , kept flowing and kept singing.

Soon the field and the wind and the sun began to despise the little stream , they didnt like how it always flowed and never disappeared. How it always seemed to have no cares.

Their hate ran deep and they became bitter as they planned to rid the stream of its own existence.

Soon the clouds , sour with hate , turned grey and gathered together , they blocked out the shimmering sky and rid the stream of its glittering shimmer that it once had.

The sour clouds brought the strong winds that blew against the little stream , creating rough currents that battered and injured the sides of the small stream as it fought to regain itself.

The strong winds brought the rain that grew the grass , the grass towered over the fighting stream , they collapsed themselves inside in order to stop the little streams current.

The tiny stream fought hard , pushing its currents as hard as it could to break the barrier , it didnt want to be contained , it didnt want to go.

But all efforts were in vain , soon the current could push no more and but the little stream never gave in.

When the grey clouds parted and the winds rode away through the sky and the grass could no longer keep itself and they were soon swept away.

The little stream thought its long hardship was over and it could once again give off it notes from its glimmering waters. 

But no.

The sun itself had become bitter too , it made its rays so hot and made its light so bright.

Soon the little stream began to dry up , but in order to bring harm to one , the sun brought harm to all.

The clouds disappeared , the flowers and grass withered away and died , the wind never came.

Soon there was nothing left. The field was dry , the earth dry and cracked.

And the sun regardless of its friends that it had killed ,  kept shining.

Years passed.

The field had turned into a desert.

Soon one day , 2 small children ran through this desert.

The once lavish field had turned into a desert , but the desert had turned into a home.

They ran through this desert , regardless of the sun on their backs, they ran as fast as the wind that once blew threw.

Until they stumbled upon a small drop of water. 

The children’s faces lit up in delight , as they scooped up the small droplet of water.

“It has returned , the small stream” they whispered , grins spreading across their faces.

The children nurtured the small droplet until , years later a small stream flowed once again.

“Welcome home”

Regardless of the sun or the wind or the things blocking the current the little stream continued its flow.

It held strong until it became a river and then a lake and soon an ocean.” 

My grandmother stopped and touched my cheek.

“This my love is the story of perseverance. No matter what happens , no matter the obstacle keep going to fulfill your goal. Regardless of what people say or do.’ She smiled at me and put her hand on my chest ‘ You can do what you want as long as you follow your heart.”

She smiled widely and i returned it. 

She kissed my head and pulled the blanket over me.

Before she left she looked back at me from the doorway 

“Keep strong to what you want.” She smiled as she closed the door.

I smiled and closed my eyes , dreaming of her story.

The story of The Sky , the stream and everything in between.

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