One second

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The most complicated word. The word with a lot of definitions. A bad thing. Or a good one.
Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future, as Wikipedia says. And it's right. You cannot go back to the way it was in the past. You can just live the present and think about the future. And not do the same mistake twice.
But you will do it anyway, because that's the human being. It's a creature that may not realize that they did the same thing in the past and it was a mistake. 
Time is the biggest thief of all the history known and unknown. In a second, it may take your life and not give it back. It may change you. It may change the way the world looks. 
Maybe you've seen those movies about the end of the world. How time makes the world suffer. You don't wanna be part of the plot if it's really gonna happen. You just lay on the couch and watch how the earth dies. How others suffer. How people run for their lives. How you cannot live a happy life with a happy ending. 
It's good that for now it is just a movie. 
It is a good one called Time. There, you can see how important time actually is. You pay with your time to eat, play or go out. You work and get paid with time. And you die when you ran out of time. You can share some time with people who don't have much left and that way you save lives. But you shorten yours.
You need to watch it if you haven't. It may radically change your opinion about the importance of time in your life. It definitely marked me from the first time I saw it. 
In the end, you have lived the best time of your life, because it's your life and it's the only one you have. You may wanna have another's life, but that is imposible. You have to be happy with what you have and nothing more. Just hope that it can get better.

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