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I walked up the stairs and bumped into a man covered in blood.
"OH MY GOD!ARE YOU OK?" I screamed so loud I think satan heard me.
All I remember is screaming and black dots.

I woke up on the floor in a room that was half way pitch black, I crawled to a little light and turned it on. I looked down and saw blood all over me. I heard someone coming in the room, So i quickly turned the light off, fell to the ground and closed my eyes.
"She's to young, We cant do anything to her boss." I heard someone about in there late 20s say.
"Bullshit, If shes older then 19 kill her." I heard someone about in there early 20s say.
I shivered and felt something touch my back. I opened my eyes and jumped up. The guy sat me back down and looked into my eyes practically looking into my soul.
"How old are you?" I shivered when he said those four words.
"..seventeen" He looked at me and nodded. "Im not gonna kill you, you're to young. As long as you obey 'boss' you're fine." He said with a look of confusion. I nodded and sat there looking retarded as hell.

I heard someone walk out and someone else walk in.
"Hello?" I called out to the 'ghost'.
"Hello." A man walked out from the shadows with a beautiful yet deadly smile. I froze when he came over to 'inspect' me. I felt him touch my shoulder like a stone cold rock left on the side of the road.

I woke up, and rubbed my eyes. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair and slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I walked down stairs to be greeted by 'Hello' or 'Goodmorning' but instead got "Get dressed properly. I got a dress in the bottom restroom, get ready in there and come over here when you're done. Ill explain why I still have you here." 'Boss' was just another word for 'master.'
I got ready in the restroom and came back and sat down on the couch.
"SO, I just always wanted a girl in my life, So when mister midterms brought you here, O decided too keep you. This is only temporary I wanna get to know you and if I don't like you i'll kill you." He smiled when he said 'Kill you' I instead of smiling looked down and felt my heart drop.
"I said IF I dont like you, You better be on your BEST behavior, Like me or not." He growled.
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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