~Part 5~

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Noah's POV

Oh,my God,oh,my God,oh,my God,oh,my God...
It's finally happening!

The moment that I thought would never come...

So now,I have to kiss Millie.Thank you,Coca Cola bottle!

At that moment,I was feeling so happy,I could get up and do a mini dance.But something inside me made me hesitate.

It wasn't Alexa or any voice inside my head.Whatever it was,I started getting second thoughts about this kiss.

It's gonna be in front of all your best friends,plus a random guy.They might make fun of it,or even worse...Sadie,who knows that you like her,might make a shitty joke about it that might make the situation even more awkward...

But Sadie isn't that type of person.She promised me she wouldn't tell anyone anything,not even joke about it.
No,this isn't the problem.

The problem is that this is not how you imagined your first kiss.You wanted her to kiss you because you both feel like it,not because of a stupid game.You didn't want your first kiss with Millie to,somehow,be forced...

Millie's POV

I got up and walked closer to my best friend since primary school,signalling him to get up too.He looked at me with hesitation in his face.Not long after that,he finally got up and we both walked to the middle of the group's circle.


-Yes?he finally spoke to me.

-You look like you don't want to do it.

-No,I actually don't have a problem with kissing you,it's just a game,anyway.

He looked down and sighed.

-If you don't want to do this,then there's no problem!we heard Finn's voice.

-He's right,Schnappy!Sabrina continued.We won't force you to do anything.

-No,guys.I don't have a problem with that.

He looked back at me,and for a second,I thought we locked eyes.

-I just want to make sure Mills doesn't have a problem.You know,'cause she's my best friend.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

-How could you think something like that?Of course there's no problem.This game was my idea,remember?

-Okay,if you say so...

He smiled back at me.We started leaning closer and closer until...

Noah's POV

I felt as if I was sweating as soon as I saw her leaning in.My heart started beating inside my chest.I hardly managed to do the same and lean in too.

Our lips were only inches away,when we got interrupted by Caleb.

-Oh,no!This can't be happening!

-What is it?we asked in unison and pulled away.

-I think I forgot something really inportant!

He looked at his phone and then his eyes started wandering around Gaten's bedroom.

-I think I forgot my phone charger!

I lied when I said that{Nillie}Where stories live. Discover now