Characters and Such

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Is the jokester of the group, helping out anyway he can, and is the first to wake. (8:56)

Wears blue t-shirt and cargo pants, blond hair and brown eyes.

Strength- Ability to have imagination, helping solve some of the (sometimes) stupid puzzles and some riddles.

Weakness- His gullibility, he can be swayed easier than the rest, making it easier to get and control him


Is the puzzle solver/smart person of the group, solving puzzles with the help of his teammates, last to wake. (9:04)

Wears red leather jacket, with a geeky graphic tee under it w/ jeans, brown/choc. (gotta be descriptive XD) eyes.

Strength- Ability to solve puzzles and be a smart player who might be crucial to the end result.

Weakness- His trust, he can be resistant to trust others until he is sure he has seen all the angles they are coming from, can be something that tears him apart from the rest of the group

Séan (pronounced Shawn)

Is the muscle of the group, helping in most of the physical activity part of the challenge, is the third one to wake (9:00)

Wears a beanie, jeans, and a red long sleeve shirt w/ a hoodie over it

Strength- His muscle, helping move things or help injured people get away from whatever danger is in the house.

Weakness- His inability to think before he acts, making him more reckless, thus making him more prone to dangers


Is the strategic/leader of the group (even though she's a girl, she pretty awesome) helping make plans and kick butt, second to wake (8:58)

Wears a normal baseball tee (purple & white), leggings, a hoodie (sporty), and hair in a ponytail (she's a girl, the guys don't have to worry 'bout this stuff)

Strength- Her thinking, helps them get out of danger most of the time, and helps solve puzzles.

Weakness- Her trust, unlike Matt, she gives her trust too easy, making it easier to have others take over her mind (Sorry Steph :( )


Is the one who knows things ironically and helps with mind teasers and riddles, fourth to wake (9:02)

Wears a grey jacket with a tee shirt under it, has jeans with sneakers. Curly blonde/brown hair w/ glasses

Strength- His ability to listen, he can come up with ways to help others emotionally, and he can also remember things for riddles and such

Weakness- Strength, he is not the strongest in the slightest, but makes up for it in the other departments. 


So here it is. I have the first and second chapters already so I'm gonna try to go every Wednesday around 4:00. I'm bad at this type of stuff, so if I'm off the grid for a bit that's the reason. 

Bye Bye beautiful peeps!

-Potato Kween

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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