Underneath the Lovely London Sky

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 Jack's POV

 I smiled thoughtfully at the clouds above. The sun was just creeping above the mountains, creating a beautiful yellow, orange and red color. I gazed thoughtfully at the sky as I turned yet another lamp off. I absolutely loved this job. I loved to see all the children running around and shouting at each other playfully. I was one of the few people who always had their chin up, looking at the lovely London sky. This city really was beautiful.

Whistling happily, I hopped onto my bike and cruised around the town, turning off all the other lamps around the city. I passed by a couple of kids that were skipping around playfully and waved at them.

"Morning kids! How are you all this lovely morning?" The children waved and smiled brightly back at me.

"We're good today, Mr. Jack" They chirped happily. I smiled happily and threw some sweets to them I stored in my pocket. Well, at least some people in this city had their chins up. It was difficult to find people in this city that were happy where they are right now. 

The kids all smiled widely, all scrambling to get the pieces of candy. "Thanks a lot, Mr. Jack!" I smiled at their response. "You all have a good day, alright?" I said brightly, continuing riding around town.

After I passed by the children, a man working in the local bread door yelled at the children "Hey brats! Get of the way!" he growled, shooing the children off. Those are the people I'm talking about. Why do they have to be so unhappy? It's such a beautiful day. 

While turning the rest off the lamps off, I started to sing softly to myself.

"When the early hours have come and gone
Through the misty morning showers
I greet the door
For when the light has hit the ground
There are lots of treasures to be found
Underneath the lovely London sky though the lamps are turning down
Please don't feel blue
For in this part of London town
The light shines through
Don't believe the things you've read
You never know what's up ahead
Underneath the lovely London sky have a pot of tea
Mend your broken cup
There's a different point of view
Awaiting you
If you would just look up
I know Yesterday you had to borrow from your chums
Seems the promise of tomorrow never comes
But since you dream the night away
Tomorrow's here
It's called today!
So count your blessings
You're a lucky guy
For you're underneath the lovely London sky listen
Soon the slump will disappear
It won't be long
Sooner than you think you'll hear
Some bright real song
So hold on tight to those you love
And maybe soon from up above
You'll be blessed so keep on looking high
While you're underneath the lovely London sky
Lovely London sky."

Sorry it was so short! I tried remembering how the scene went in the movie XD I hope it wasn't too bad. I'll probably continue this if people actually like it. Please give me some advice in the comments on how to improve my writing^^

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