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London, June 25

Sun was blinding through the window. I could barely open my eyes to check the clock. Migrene was slowly building up and I knew than this hangover will be a bitch. "Couldn't be late" I thought to myself as I stirred in bed and tried to reach the phone from the nightstand. My phone was blowing up with texts. I had this group with my mates on whatsapp and they were checking in on everybody due to last nights little party we had. I finally got up and flushed a few painkillers down my throat. I put the kettle on and some music before heading to the bathroom. Warm shower raised me from the dead. I put some clothes on and sat down to have breakfast and coffee. Alexa, one of my mates from uni was coming over for lunch. Few of us got tickets for this rock festival in Manchester that's taking place over the weekend and we're taking the train tonight.
She rang me to say she's on her way so I ordered some chinese. She had already packed and we decided to spend the day together and meet the others at the station. "Getting smashed the night before traveling seems idiotic now doesn't it?" I teased her cos she was obviously very hungover. She flipped me off and grinned. After we had lunch I decided to pack so we have the rest of the day to chill. "D'ya reckon Damon and Ally hooked up last night?" She asked while flipping the channels on telly. "Dunno" I shrugged "D'ya think?" She came over and threw herself on the bed. "I hope they finally did, her drooling over him became a bit too obvious lately". I smiled and nodded acknowledging the fact she made. Ally was our best mate and she's been into Damon for a long time. He's a bit older than us but takes some of the classes we're in. We met up with him and some mates of his in a pub one night and got friendly since. We're all going to this festival together. Three of us, Damon and his mates James and Ian and Ian's girlfriend Geri.
Once the two of us got to the station everyone else was already there. Shockingly, no one was late. Half and hour latter we were on the train heading to Manchester. We were all so excited. Once everybody was settled I pulled Ally aside to have a word a about this "Damon situation". They did get a bit cozy last night but both me and Alexa got too hammered too soon to pay any attention. I knew she was head over heals for this lad. He is a fine guy, not a jerk which is the most important thing if you're asking me. We sat in the booth and cracked a window opened just a little bit so we could have a cig. Before I could even start the convo she grabbed both of my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "I did it!" She raised her voice a bit than turned around to check if anybody heard it. Once she made sure we could continue to talk she turned back to me and almost whispered with a grin "I shagged him!" then threw her arms around me. I hugged her back and laughed at her excitement "Fucking finally!" We sat there giggling and Alexa soon joined us. She told us all about it. They were both drunk, but completely aware of the situation and decided to talk about it once they sober up. So they met up before going to the station and talked it out. He confessed he liked her as well and wanted to give it a shot. So our girl Ally is now officially in a relationship! Rest of the trip I spent chatting away about music with Ian and Geri. The three of us had to wake everyone up when we got to Manchester. We got to the hotel very late and were all exhausted. I shared the room with Alexa. We both took a shower and headed to bed. After a short chat we both fell asleep.

Hope you like the intro. This was just something little to set the story  up and kick it off.

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