What are my feelings?

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Armie and I never thought we'd be anything outside of work. If you didn't know; we acted in the movie "Call Me By Your Name" together as the two main roles. In the film, we made out a bunch of times and we shot some "sex" scenes. Of course, we didn't actually do the deed though. It's not porn you know. 

I've always told myself that I'm straight, 'cause well I've never felt anything romantic towards dudes. I mean, that's at least until I met Armie. With that in mind, you have to think about the making out scenes and the alone times we had where we practiced the making out scenes. We made out A LOT basically. Armie is just so god damn handsome and sweet and everything a person would ever want in a man. I knew those things after we'd spent only one day together. Our first meeting actually was a teeny bit awkward 'cause he just barged in in the middle of my piano lessons. But of course he, as the amazing human he is, he understood and said hi, then left afterward so I could finish my piano lessons. It isn't really that great of a story now that I think about it, but I think it's very sweet, I guess. At this point, I was still 100 % sure I was straight. No doubt in my mind about that. I didn't know how it would feel to have feelings towards a guy so I just thought it was "friendship feelings". Our first kiss totally changed that. It wasn't the movie kiss. No, we actually had to practice the kiss several times before the shooting. I don't know why but we didn't wanna practice in public, which is pretty stupid considering we a few days later had to film it in front of 25-30 people and release it as an award-winning movie. On to the first kiss now. He one day came into my trailer without me knowing that he'd come in so didn't wear a shirt at the time being but I didn't give a damn about that. We were just friends. No romantic feelings involved. He told me that if we didn't practice now, we wouldn't have time for it. That's a lie btw because I know for a fact that we had loads of time, I just think he wanted to get it over with. He was probably nervous. We decided to practice the "midnight" scene. The people that watched the movie knows what I'm talking about. We decided that cause it was the scene we had "do the most" in. A pretty hawt scene if I may add. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2018 ⏰

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