Epilouge- Louis

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~One Year Later~

I slammed the car door and walked around to the back of the building. I haven't been here in a year. Come to think of it, I haven't been in the United States in a year. I fixed the bunch of flowers in my hand as I came to the back of the motel. Where my Hazza was.

"Hey Haz," I whispered as I walked up to the bare area where Harry was burried. I layed the flowers on top of his grave and I fell to my knees. I missed him so much. I wanted my Hazza in my arms so bad. I waited every day for him to come back to life. Every single day, and he never came back. And I prayed every night that this was just a nightmare that I would soon wake up. Then Hazza would come into my room and hold me, petting my hair and telling me it was just a nightmare. That it wasn't real. It never happened.

If you didn't figure it out, One Direction split up. Management wanted to know how Harry died, and we resorted to saying it was a car crash. It sickened me to think we had to do that. I wanted to know that it was murder. Cold, ungrateful murder. But that would give me away as well, because I killed Perenelle. But she deserved to be dead. She killed Hazza first. I was just doing what was right.

Zayn moved back to Bradford. He never did fully recover from his head injury, and his memory is horible. Perrie moved in with him to make sure he was okay and to keep him company.

Liam and Niall moved to Dublin Ireland together. They weren't in a gay relationship, but they moved in together because Niall's still really traumatized from the Perenelle experience. They even adopted a kid to keep their friendship strong. They got a son from England. And guess what they named him:

Harold Niam "Harry" Horan-Payne.

I cried when they told me.

As for me, I sold mine and Harry's flat and moved into London to work for the X-Factor set. I help with some of the behind the scenes stuff, and I secretly help some contestants impress the the judges like I once did. Eleanor and I decided to drop from relationship to friendzone since I lost Harry. She's really helped me through this, and we both decided that being in a relationship wasn't good for me right now.

"I've missed you Hazzabear," I whispered, my eyes watering already. I wiped my eyes and sucked in a deep breath. "Nothing seems right without you. I mean, One Direction wouldn't last forever, but I never thought goodbye would be like this. I wanted Harry in my arms again. I've almost forgotten what his touch felt like. What his curls felt like between my fingers. The exact shade his eyes were. Yeah, I have pictures, but photos could never capture the exact shade they were.

"I... I want you back Hazza. I've concidered suicide so I could be with you, but I knew you wouldn't want that. You would kill me when I got to heaven." I smiled at my pathetic joke. "But, I do miss you. More then you can imagine. Please, watch over me and the other lads. Give me a sign every once in a while. Just let me know you're here, and that you're never leaving me again." I kissed my palm and place it in the dirt where Harry's head was. The winds shifted, delivering a gentle breeze. I smiled, knowing that Harry did that for me.

"I love you Hazzabear. I'll be back next year. I promise."

AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!! thank you all so much for reading this, it means so much to get every vote and every comment i've gotten. i will NOT be doing a sequal to this story, but I will be writing a new story called Trapped. i think you will like it, especially if you liked this story.

still, thank you all so much. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

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