THE BAD BOY (Chapter One)

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Chapter One - The Damning Kiss

Thomas had always been told he was destined for great things: by his parents, his teachers, even his friends. He was a straight-A student and one of the most popular boys in school, but even so, Thomas couldn't help thinking that the "great things" he was destined for would most likely be a scholarship at the local Ohio university and then a job as a teacher or professor; he expected that by his late twenties, that would be his life, with the possible addition of a wife and a couple of children running amok, but nothing more... Oh how he longed for something MORE.

As Thomas sat amongst his friends (though to him it was more like "a jumble of individuals that had enough shared interests to combine them into one group"), he gazed around the large cafeteria, filled to the brim with a teeming mass of bodies. The mindless chatter of his peers had long since faded to a dull buzz which mixed with the seemingly far-off clatters of cutlery  and Thomas started to wonder how much longer he could take the endless, brain-numbing, pointless thing he called a life--

Suddenly, there he was. He strutted into the cafeteria, a slight smirk on his face, and Thomas swore he could see the confidence rippling off him in waves. Confidence that, despite his pristine grades and perfect social life, Thomas severely lacked. The boy's eyes roved around the room as if he was searching for something. 

Someone? Thomas wondered. As if on cue, the boy's eyes landed on Thomas... and didn't move. Thomas watched the boy look him up and down, his eyes narrowing scrutinously as if he was assessing him, and then, another on the other side of the cafeteria called, "Shanti!" The mysterious boy turned at the sound. 

Shanti... Thomas considered. He had never heard that name before... Shanti must be relatively new to the school. Shanti, who had long since looked away from Thomas, had now moved over to his friend. They walked out of the cafeteria together and didn't look back, and for some unknown reason, this sent a pang of sadness through Thomas. 

Shoving his emotions down, he turned to Tiff, who was chatting animatedly to the girl to her left. He waited for a break in conversation, and when Tiffany took a swig of coke, Thomas took the opportunity.

"Tiff, do you know who Shanti is?" Thomas asked, trying his best to seem as uninterested as possible. Tiffany gulped down the last of her coke and replied, "Some new kid -- I dunno much about him."

"I heard he's already slept with half of the girls in freshman year!" Interrupted the girl Tiffany had been talking to, "Seems like quite a player if you ask me." She said, giving Thomas a knowing look. 

Thomas had been on the receiving end of many of those looks over the years. It was the "you-should-be-too" look. The look that told him, not so subtly, that if he wanted to, he could potentially be like Shanti, and many of the other boys around him. His circle of friends whose names were known throughout the school as being the "it-crowd" gave him unlimited amounts of street cred, that, to everyone's dismay, Thomas never cashed in on. Despite the many girls that had thrown themselves at him, whether hoping for him to be their ticket into popularity or just hoping for HIM, he never responded to their advances, and in doing so, his reputation was like the rest of his life: seemingly pristine and perfect. 

Thomas nodded his agreement and turned away, allowing Tiffany and her friend to resume talking. After a minute of sitting in subdued silence, Thomas abandoned his tray of mushy peas and soggy bread and in his haste to leave the table, he nearly upset his carton of milk. He crossed the cafeteria and shoved through the large double doors which led into a long hallway lined with grey lockers. 

As Thomas walked down the hall, he thought about what Tiffany's friend had said... Had Shanti really done those things? For some reason, even though Thomas had never even spoken to Shanti, he still felt like drowning himself in a lake everytime he thought about it.  

All of a sudden, someone grabbed Thomas' arm and dragged him into an empty alcove hidden from the view of passers-by. Surprised, he looked towards the person who had a hold on his arm, and his eyes met the hickory brown of Shanti's, who was gazing intently at him. Shanti dropped his arm and smiled, saying, "Sorry for the attempted kidnapping... You're Thomas, right?" 

Thomas blinked dumbfoundedly -- he hadn't ever expected Shanti to know his name. "Y-yeah," Thomas replied, regaining consciousness, "What do you want?" It came out sharper than intended, and Thomas had to bite his lip to keep from blurting out an apology and an explanation. Shanti didn't seem fazed by Thomas' upfront question. 

"I wanted to talk to you." Again, Thomas had trouble believing he wasn't dreaming. At that moment, it seemed ridiculous to him that SHANTI would want to talk to him, even though Thomas was one of the most popular boys at school, and Shanti was only new. 

"O-oh yeah?" Thomas sputtered as Shanti took a step towards Thomas, making him take one back. Shanti smiled again and drew closer, pushing Thomas ever farther back, until he was backed up against the wall and both of them were completely out of sight of the hall. 

"Yeah," Shanti murmured, "I noticed you in the cafeteria. I noticed the way you looked at me." 

Thomas gulped as Shanti placed his arms either side of Thomas against the wall.

"Don't you want me?"

Shanti smirked, his hands pressed into the wall behind Thomas, trapping him. Thomas roved his eyes along Shanti's muscular arms and up his toned chest, finally coming to a stop at Shanti's lips: quirked in a small humorous smirk.

"Well... don't you?"

"Not at all..." Thomas replied, but the way his eyes caught on the other boy's lips and the slightly visible dribble of saliva escaping out of the side of his mouth gave him away -- he DID want Shanti. Shanti apparently had not missed the signs, and scoffed, removing his hands from either side of Thomas, but not before he grabbed Thomas, shoved him quickly back against the hard wall and kissed him passionately.

It was Thomas' first kiss, and he had no idea what to do or how to react. Shanti, on the other hand, had kissed other's many times, and so he led the event, and well... Thomas was perfectly content with that.

Finally, they broke apart...

"That was just a taster of what's to come." Shanti breathed, and pushed away, strutting off down the hall, leaving Thomas to sink down the wall, still awestruck.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2018 ⏰

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