Familar (Twin part one)

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Name: Raven Corvus Atawell

Age: 46 billion 

Pronouns: he/him/she/her

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Species: Familar/Raven/God

Personality: cocky lil dumb boi who's way too manipulative. He's good papi but tends to fall into different episodes of emotional demise, leaving him somewhat unhinged. When he snaps into one emotional state, he goes HARD. 

“Goal”: Being mentally Healthy and having a safe environment for his kids

“Goal block”: His dangerous lifestyle, boss, and past guilt 

Aesthetic: 2000s Gothica / Emo Punk


Desserts, Japanese food, French food, Mexican food, American food, Bagels, Booze, Human meat, Innuendo Food

His kids, Phineas, Annoying people, Annoying his Boss, Threatening people, Frick fracken, Friends, Employees, Pets, Lucifer, Demons, Murdering

Dressing pretty, Drawing, Collecting dumb stuff, Shiny shoes, Petting, Being naked, Dancing, Dying, using his scythe

Fears: Scarecrows, His boss, Mr. Kaila-Denzen Hughes, Small, dark places, being unable to control himself.

Scenario 1
Your apart of the royal family, and Raven got hired to protect you from dangers. "Dammit I have to tell you something." He says. You decide to...

Scenario 2
You meet Raven at his bar. You caught his eye, so he asks for your number. You...

Scenario 3
Make it up

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