Chapter 29 ...

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Once this recording was done everyone started to say their goodbyes but Etho stopped them, "wait, Seth before I left I told you something, do you remember what I said and do you feel the same?" Everyone looked at Seth, trying to work out what Etho might have told Seth but not the rest of the gang, Seth had started to cry and was nodding, we looked over at Etho and noticed that he was slowly kneeling down. What was going on?

"Seth, I have loved you for many year, you were what kept me going through the war and... And I was hoping that you would do me the offer of being my..." Seth knelt down and kissed Etho before he could finish his sentence "I'll take that as a yes" Ethos smile grew wider and wider, he could barely hear the sounds of the gang clapping and celebrating, Aureylian was in tears with Vechs trying his best to stop them before she flooded the house, Pyro went over to the box and passed everyone a beer, "To Etho and Seth" he shouted, "To Etho and Seth"

In the background stood a figure, he was crying for a different reason, he loved Etho, he had comforted him when he was on the plane but did Etho even remember it was him...

-4 months later-

"I can believe today is the day" Seth and Etho had no idea what the wedding was going to be like, The Mindcrack gang had kept it a compleat secret only letting them see their suits and taste the cake, Etho slipped his hand into Seths and opened the door, the room was full of friends and family, there was a giant minecraft world cake with Etho and Seths charecters on the cake in front of a villager chapel, C418 was playing in the background, everyone had stood up and was looking at them, they slowly walked to the alter, Etho had tears rolling down his face, he could believe he was alive to see this day.

-skipping to the good bit-

"You may now kiss the groom" Etho leant in and tipped Seth back "I love you" "I love you to Etho" and with that they kissed, the whole room was clapping, Aureylian was in tears again, Etho looked up and pointed "no theres a scene I thought I would never see" Vechs was crying "I just love a happy ending" the gang laughed "come on let's get this party started" Arkes shouted, the music suddenly changed to Approaching Nirvana and the room turned multi coloured with disco lights.

-1 week later Ethos POV-

I could hear them screaming, my vision was scared with blood and bullets, I had watch my friends die, my life was in so motion as I watched the objects fly towards the hospital tent, a burst of bright white light fell upon me, I could hear their screams as I lay their, motionless and afraid, darkness had fallen over me... I was breathing heavily, my surroundings black as night, I could sense someone moving beside me as the light came on I grabbed them "it's me Seth, stop your having a nightmere" I dropped him and burst into tears, Seth placed his arms round me "I know it's tough, I will always be here for you"

Everything has Changed (new ending)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang