Petals Flutter like how Stars Shine

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I followed the young boy down the path. At 16 he really isn't a boy any more, but is still far younger then I am. He urged me to move faster, obviously wanting to show me something. I followed not too far behind him, a smile on my face. He may be very energetic, and that may be annoying to most, but I find his enthusiasm refreshing from the normal, more boring behavior of the other nations.

"Come on Russia! You're so slow!" He whined at the top of the small hill.

"Nyte. You are too impatient podsolnukh. When you learn to slow down you will find that everything will go by faster." I told him as I steadily climbed the hill.

"But I don't want to slow down, theirs too much to do!" He whined again.

"If you do not slow down then you will not enjoy moment. Then what is purpose of doing what it is you want to do?" I asked him with a raised brow.

"The climb, duh! I have more fun while in the process of doing something then whenever I get done doing it. That's why I bounce so much. I have more things to do, adventures to fulfill!" He explained from where he now stood on a large, flatish rock. "Hurry up!"

"Calm down, I'm at the top. Now what is it you want me to...see." I stopped talking as I looked over the sea of yellow that was laid out before me. A gental breeze flew past, making the tall flowers sway, even causing a few to lose a few petals.

"I knew you'd love it!" The sunny nations exclaimed. "I planted this in the spring and I've just been dying to show you! I had hoped that you'ed show up before they died. Luckily you did."

"You planted all this?" I asked him after a long moment of silence.

"Yep! All sunflowers, except for one rose bush in the center. That one is for me. I knew how much you loved sunflowers so I decided to plant you some here, since they don't grow so well in Russia, as a thank you for your friendship." He said looking away shyly.

My eyes misted a little from the thoughtful gift. I cleared my eyes and turned to face the younger male. "Thank you Fredka. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."

"It was no problem Vanya. Now come on! Lets play. Race you too the field!" He shouted running down the hill.

With a roll of my eyes I chased after the younger nation. We played hid and seek and tag in the large flower patch. We made sure to be careful of the delicate flowers and we ducked between them. Every once in a while I would catch the fast blue eyed male. The sound of laughter could be heard from the top of the hill.

We played into the sun had set, ending another summer day. We sat on the flat rock over looking the small, sunflower filled valley. We watched as the bright yellowed flowers turn to a silver in the moon light. The flowers swayed gently in the still warm breeze. It was quiet and peaceful.

I turned to talk to America about them when I noticed that his attention was focused upward. I looked up to the dark, star covered sky. The moon was full tonight and the summer constalations shone brightly. I felt a wave of peace wash over me as I gazed up at them for what has to be the millionth time in my life.

"What do you think the stars are made of?" America asked quietly.

"Who knows. Far away lights, the spirits of our ancestors. Your guess is as good as mine." I told him with a shrug. I looked back down at him. In his brilliant sapphier eyes I could see the reflection of the stars. They shone just as brightly in his eyes as they do in the sky, if not more so.

"They're so beautiful." I heard the smaller nations whisper.

"Yes, they are." I said not looking back up, just into his eyes. I felt my heart flutter lightly and a new emotion come over me. It wasn't entirely new, since I felt it around the young nation before, but I had no clue as to what it was.

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