Star Wars: The Betrayed

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All the story takes place in the times of the Old Republic. I do not own the Star Wars universe and the characters. I've made up a lot of characters and places though.

Reiko (AKA Darth Cediem)


“Fear is the path to the dark side." 

- Master Yoda

"Get me out of here!" I heard someone's scream.

I hardly managed myself to open my eyes. It wasn't a good move. The light hit me like someone's punch. Wherever I've been there was bright. Too bright. I blinked for like ten times before I was able to see the other people around me.

We were on a ship. I didn't know where were we going or on which command but I knew that we were there against our will. There were two man watching us. At least - they should be watching us. To tell the truth they were just playing sabacc.

There were a human family on my left, with a girl child. She might be at least seven but she was clever for her age. I could almost see her eyes scanning the room just looking for a way out. Her mother has laid her head on her husband's shoulder. I understood that even when they were captured - they've still been happy. I don't know why but it made me smile.

"Hey, I need some water! I haven't drink for decades!" The blue-skinned Twi'lek shouted.

I didn't notice him until just now. He was standing next to the rest of the kidnapped species. He seemed to be rather confident with this whole median plane thing and clenched fists. I guess he'd look a lot more better without this rope binding his wrists. That was the symbol of our slavery.

One of overseers have came up a little closer to the Twi'lek and smiled mischievously.

"And since when the slaves are able to command me?" He asked. 

I could almost feel that if that Twi'lek answer wrong we are all going to regret it.

"You are not better than me and you'll never be, jerk!"

"You are just a stupid slave! You know nothing!" The overseer yelled, reaching for his blaster.

I don't know how it happened but just one moment later I saw that clever, human child trying to stop the overseer by biting his hand.

A man gasped for a second but it seemed to be enough time for the rest of us to attack him. All the men and women of all the species jumped as one to overseer seeing this as they only way to escape.

And then we heard a blaster shot.

"You'll regret it." The overseer hissed. Then he's pointed his weapon at the girl and added shortly "All of you."

I watched in terror as he pulled the trigger. The time seemed to stop in one second. All I cared about then was to stop the overseer.

So I did.

The shot didn't do the child any harm. The only thing that was different was the blood slowly dropping on the floor. I touched my face. A deep pit has been pulling along all my cheek - a reminder of today's incident. I knew it'll definitely leave a scar.

I saw a girl child looking at me with a sparkles in her eyes.

"You are Force sensitive!" She screamed happily. "You can save us!"

"I don't know what you are talking about..." I answered, still trying to understand what just happened.

It seemed that I've somehow managed myself to catch the girl before the blaster shot touched her but I have no idea how did I do that. That's why I couldn't help us all.

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