Chapter 1 Closing Time

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Jim's pov

I see a guy at the end of the counter. He is very drunk and is stumbling about. "Come on mate it's closing time." I stand him up and wrap my arm around him. I walk him out. "Hey buddy where do you live?" I ask. "Hi" he replies. Not the answer I needed so I try again. "Where do you live?" " Oh somewhere around here. " he says waving off the question. This is going to be a long night.

He looks at me and says "yer kinda cute ya know." I chuckle " hey, you know what why don't we go back to yours tonight. " he says. I know he is really drunk right now but I can't just leave him on the street. He won't tell me where he lives so what other option do I have.

Apparently I was thinking for too long because he pokes my nose and goes "beep! Wah you thinkin' 'bout." "I'm just about what I'm going next. Would you like to come back to mine? If not you need to tell me where you live." He thinks a little taping his finger on his chin. Then he decides and ' beeps' my nose again saying "yer's".

I walk him to my flat with my arm still supporting him. We get to my flat and I unlock the door. I help him inside and sit him on the couch. "here Let me get you a glass of water." " Mmm-k" he says. I get the glass and give it to him. Then something dawns on me. I just let a complete stranger into my home I don't even know his name or who he is. "Umm, I'm sorry but what's your name?" I ask. He has more of his senses now. " Freddie Mercury. " he says proudly. "Nice to meet you." I say. " What's your name darling ?" He asks. "Jim. Jim Hutton." I respond. "Nice to meet you." He isn't slurring as much now.

" So I'm where am I sleeping? " he asks "here on the couch. I'll bring you a couple of blankets. I'll be sleeping in the room down the hall of you need anything." I say standing up and grabbing some blankets for him.

We say our good night's and go to sleep. The next morning I wake up early. I get dressed and head out into the kitchen. I make myself some toast and eggs. Freddie walks in warped up in one of the blankets I gave him. He took off he pants last night so he is just wearing a shirt and boxers. He walks up to me and steals a slice of toast. He quickly shoves it in his mouth as I try to grab it back. "Hey that's my toast get your own!" I yell playfully. "I did." He says referring to my toast. We laugh I while and I end up making him some eggs and toast too.

"Hey thanks for taking care of me. Knowing me I probably would have been hit by a car or pick a fight with someone." " No problem . How you feeling? " "I have a headache but that all. " "wow I thought it would have been a lot worse considering how much you drank." I chuckle.

We can't for a while longer but I get up and clear away our plates. "I have to go to work. You are welcome to stay here if you want to. You are welcome to leave. Or you can leave and come back I don't care I don't have much to steal." " Ok thanks. I'll probably go back to mine and get some clean clothes. " he states.

'Closing Time' JimercuryWhere stories live. Discover now