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Marinette: so uh Adrien you're Chat
Chat:yes but I have to go I'm sorry
Marinette: oh...okay
Chat: see you later *blows a kiss*
Marinette:*blushes and waves*
*Chat leaves*
Marinette: ajsndjskwuej omg I'm sorry Tikki. SPOTS ON!
*Ladybug reaches chat*
Ladybug:hey chat
Chat:oh hey LB
Ladybug: lets go show that akuma what we got
Chat: lets go bugaboo
*Ladybug winks at chat*
*Chat and Ladybug catch the akuma*
Chat:uh hey ladybug can I talk to you before you leave?
Ladybug:oh uh okay
Chat: I accidentally got caught transforming
Ladybug:*acts suprised* WHAT?!
Chat:ugh I know but she followed me to see what I was up too. Sorry that I can't do anything right.
Ladybug:hey chat it's okay I know that you try really hard and you do a lot of things right so I'm pretty sure whoever caught you will keep it a secret and chat i love you as my partner and most importantly Spots Off.. a soulmate

Sorry for really short parts I'm working on art and on edit and now writing so I'm trying to multitask

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