The Four Elements of Nature

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I breathe subconsciously.
Air fills my lungs, accepting the corrupt honesty.
Few appreciate more damage, our lives full of intense amage.
Even when frozen, the nurturing trees, heal what viciously bleeds.
Entering the world with a cracked breath, leaving with one.
Nature feeds the creatures around, yet we murder the beauty, makeing a dreary burial ground.
Fire cooks a heart of emotions.
Forest fires create a bundle of misfortune, leaving  nature filled with great distortion.
To accidental choices of human laziness, to the polluted abnormal craziness.
Fire can burn everything to dust, if unattended, demolishing what was beautifully mended.
Entire forests, gone.
From one strike of a match, c'mon.
Water dripping miles below, these storms are all we know.
Water escapes the eyes, when one cries, holding on to the impossible goodbyes.
Water is an element that humans use to grow.
Plants drink the water that pours effortlessly below.
Water is the food of nature, as humans are full with such denature.
The earth keeps me grounded, it is wonderfully rounded. 
It is a universal home to all it receives, while it's crumbling because of ones who deceive.
The earth floor is a garden of growth, it protects the plants, and is yet ignorantly provoked.
Nature feeds all, even if my earth is collapsing into a treacherous fall.
I am one with nature
It is within me.
I am grateful for everything it provides.
Without nature, I wouldn't be alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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