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Cylien's POV

Calling for Ms. Arandill~ calling for Ms. Arandill~
Please proceed to the private operating room right now~
I repeat~ calling  for Ms. Arandill~  calling for Ms. Arandill~
Please proceed to the private operating room right now~

Your probably wondering where am I, right? Well...
I am just in the hallway of a hospital. Followed by nurses.

" Why do I have to be the one in charge in the operation?"- I ask feeling frustrated. Like, seriously? I had a flight right now.

And oh, just so you know I am a neurosurgeon.

"It is because the other doctors can't handle it Ms. Arandill, so we need your help!"- the nurse said.

" Are all of you kidding me?" - I said.

" No Ms. Arandill, they really can't handle it. It is really critical,The cerebellum are damage!," - said the other nurse.

"What?! They can't handle it? what is the use of them if it's like that? Are they a quack doctor?If they can't handle it , then I also can't handle it. They are professional while I myself just a newbie. This is really makes my schedule ruin. You are deeply inform, how tight my schedule is."- I said then pause, to swallow my saliva.

Then I continue-" I have also  inform the chairman already. And I think, all of you already know that I have to also go back in the Philippines, so why are you bothering me?"-I said feeling annoyed.
" We are really sorry, this will be the last time"- the nurse behind me answered.
"Of course, this should be the last time. You know how strict I am on how my schedule work."- I said feeling like my blood pressure start to rise.

" Nevermind,  I am just wasting my breath scolding all of you. Prepare the diagnosis you got from the patient, so I could know what's the patient's problem properly . And make sure after the operation, report what happen to the director, understand me?"- I ordered
"Yes"-they said in unison.
"Be quick, before I lost my temper. I'm chasing my time in here." - I once said. Feeling as if  my blood pressure is already at its highest point. This is really a bad day for me. If this still goes on, it would really cause me to die early. Yep, early death. Tsk.

After I told the nurses the instructions. I headed to the locker room we're my clothes for surgeon's being stored.

While I was changing my clothes, I keep sighing to myself every minute. Geez!! I feel really tired of my work:-|. I guess after this operation, I would immediately go to the airport. So that no one can stop me from leaving this country. I feel really bored in here. I already experienced all the fun that's in here. Opppsss..... I don't really realize that I talk to much.

20 minutes passed

In the operating room, you could see that there is a four nurse, three boys one girl. And I, would be the one who will done the surgery , I am Cylien Aira Tyll , I'm a Neurosurgeon.  I know that I already told you about that but I will say it again in case you forgot. I will just tell you about myself some other time...

"Give me the scalpel', - I said,
My assistant in the surgery handed me the scalpel. I started to slice the skin in the person's head.
After that, I started the surgery with out trouble.

40 min passed......

After the surgery, I immediately got dress .  I guess should go to the director's office. So, I could say bye-bye to the director of our department. I will really miss that old director. He treated me as his granddaughter, when I was working in this hospital.

15 minutes passed....

After, I bid farewell to the director. I now drive my car to the airport.
I already here in the airport of South Korea.
I sigh, I will be missing this country' I thought. I still have 5 minutes left, I guess I will just wait in here.

After 5 min. ....

I was already inside the airplane. I sat behind the window so I could get a proper view of the clouds. I got my headphone and cellphone. And I choose to listen to the song, the title of the song is doctor by Nightcore. And I guess I could not handle my tiredness because , I took by the darkness as I fell asleep.

I hope when I got to the Philippines, I would find peace in there. No disturbance. My last thought as I drifted to sleep.

Yo!! Guys If you're reading this
hope you will pardon my poor writing.
If there is a wrong grammar in their or any typos
Just tell me!!!

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