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Shadows of compulsion

   The moon hung low in the night sky, casting elongated shadows across the forest floor. Saadia's breaths came in ragged gasps as she stumbled through the underbrush, her heart pounding against her ribcage as she found herself in the middle of nowhere, not a soul to be seen. The weight of her bridal lehenga slowed her down, its intricate embroidery snagging on twigs and leaves. She had never imagined that her life would take such a treacherous turn.

Only hours ago, Saadia had been a blushing bride-to-be, her hands adorned with henna, her heart fluttering with anticipation. Edan, her childhood friend and fiancé, had promised her a lifetime of love and laughter, they were to be happily married, but now, as the moonlight filtered through the dense foliage, Saadia's world had shattered into shards of fear and confusion.

Haider, the man who had once been her colleague, now chased her relentlessly. His eyes, once filled with tenderness, now bore a desperate hunger.

It was not few hours ago where she was getting ready in her room for her pre-bridal photo shoot, she wore a beautiful crimson lehenga, a proper Indian bridal attire, she felt like a princess from a forgotten tale. The mirror reflected her nervous smile, and for a fleeting second, she forgot about Haider's unwelcome advances.
And then he burst in, his face twisted with desperation. "Saadia," he had said, his voice raw, "marry me. Please."

The room was dimly lit, the vibrant colors of her lehenga a contrast to the fear in her eyes as she looked up at Haider. He slowly moved closer to her, his hands gentle as he adjusted the dupatta over her head, but his eyes were heavy with an emotion she couldn't decipher—was it pity?
Saadia still in shock about was he just said,
"Haider, why?" Saadia's voice was a mere whisper, her heart pounding against her chest. "I told you I was engaged."

Haider's silence was his only reply, his gaze never leaving her face. There was a softness there that belied his actions, a tenderness that confused her even more. She had seen that look before, on the night he confessed his feelings for her—a night that now seemed like a distant memory.

Saadia's mind raced. She had always felt a pull towards Haider, a connection that went beyond words. But she had never allowed herself to explore those depths, to acknowledge the feelings that might lie there.

"I cannot marry you Haider," she said, her voice firm despite the tremble she felt. "we are not meant to be,"

Saadia stood at the center of her room, her heart pounding against the layers of silk that enveloped her. Her crimson lehenga clung to her like a second skin, its intricate gold embroidery shimmering in the moonlight. Heavy kohl lined her eyes, and her lips were stained the color of ripe pomegranates.
Haider emerged from the shadows, as he got even closer to her, his tall frame cloaked in darkness. His eyes, once filled with warmth, now held a storm of conflicting emotions. Saadia's breath hitched as she recognized the man who had haunted her dreams—the man who had confessed his love to her, his voice trembling with raw intensity.
"Saadia," he murmured, his voice a velvet caress. "I never wanted it to come to this."
She took a step back, her anklets jingling like distant bells.

What is he going to do?

"You will have to marry me" His gaze bore into hers,
She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. "I was promised to another. You knew this, how dare you enter my house, leave, RIGHT NOW" she yelled.
He closed the distance between them, that she create moments ago, his fingers brushing against the edge of her veil. "And yet, when I confessed my love, you didn't turn me away. Your eyes—they betrayed you, Saadia. They held the same fire that burned within me."
Her heart raced. "I don't understand."

Before she could apprehend Haider had already seized her wrist, dragging her out of the room toward the stairs. She tried to pull her hand from his but his grip only tighter; His strength surprised her; he carried her on his shoulders as if she weighed nothing. Saadia's pleas fell on deaf ears. She had fought, clawing at his grip, hitting his back but he was unyielding. The world outside blurred as he carried her away from her home, away from Edan, away from everything she held dear.
But Saadia was not one to surrender easily. When Haider put her down near his car and paused to catch his breath, she wriggled free, her feet stumbling over roots and stones.. She ran, her breaths echoing in her ears, her heart a frantic drumbeat. She didn't know where she was going, only that she had to escape.
The forest swallowed her, its darkness a sanctuary and then she fell—a sharp rock slicing her ankle. Pain shot through her, but adrenaline fueled her onward. She crawled behind a gnarled tree, her tears mixing with the dirt. She prayed for Edan, for a miracle, for anything that would save her from this nightmare.

His footsteps echoed behind her—a relentless rhythm that matched the frantic beat of her heart. She quickly glanced back to see how close he was and to her dismay he was pretty close, catching up to her pace,

After a long time which felt like an eternity she found herself in a dense forest surrounded by trees, stars twinkling in the midnight sky, her heart raced as she spun around, her eyes scanning the shadows. But he was gone. The forest stood silent, its ancient trees like forgotten tales. Her legs gave up, she fell on the mossy ground, her fingers brushing against the rough bark. She had to keep moving, had to escape this, she was breathing heavily because of all that running blood oozed from her forehead, she didn't even realized branches scraping her body— and suddenly like a whisper carried by the night wind, she heard it—the soft crunch of footsteps. Her pulse quickened. She turned, and there he was—Haider, his breaths heavy, his eyes dark with determination. He reached out, grabbing her arm and pulled her to her feet. Saadia's chest heaved, her eyes locking onto his face.
"Why are you doing this?" Saadia's voice trembled. "Why are you chasing me?"
Haider's grip tightened, and he looked away. "I have no choice, Saadia. You must understand."

"Why?" she gasped, her voice barely audible.
The moonlight tracing the contours of his face. "Because I love you, Saadia. And I cannot let you vanish."
"But I am promised to another," she protested. "I cannot be yours."
His touch was gentle, his thumb brushing her cheek while his other hand still kept holding her arm. "There are secrets, Saadia. Secrets that bind us. I will not lose you."

Saadia's mind raced. She knew the rumors—the whispers that her father had made a deal with Haider's family. A marriage alliance to secure their fortunes. But she hadn't believed it. Not until now.
"You're hurting me," she said, her voice barely audible.
Haider released her, his fingers leaving imprints on her skin. "I never wanted this,"
"He's behind this, isn't he?" Saadia's anger flared. "He sold me like a commodity, didn't he?."
Haider's jaw clenched. "I won't deny it" he blurted out.
"I didn't wanted this to happen to you" his eyes showing pity and tenderness.
She studied him—the man who had torn her world apart.


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