Moments to Remember

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When I was 5, 5 1/2 to be exact I was at the mall with my Grandma! I was behind her so I then decided to attempt to run up the opposite escalator, all of a sudden, i stumbled! Down, and down, and BAM! Ouch!

At Toys R Us I got lost, and I once again was with my Grandma. I decided to stroll around on my scooter and yell her name. She never replied so I asked the cashier if she could help me. I said my Grandmas name through a speaker and there she was! Fun birthday, eh?

Do you ever get caught up in your words and come out with swearing? That happened to me once when i asked my cousin what the word 'redick' means! You can probably assume what happend next.

One night I was sleeping at my Grandmas with my cousin. We were play fighting like ninjas then I knocked over a lamp with my foot and broke the bulb!

One time during music in school, i was standing next to my friend who wasnt the greatest, so she hit a really high pitch note and her voice cracked, she ended up being the only one singing during that point. (Im not a good singer, so...)


The other day was the first day of school, then came the second. During my lunch time I was with my friend, and these two guys kept on bothering us! So my friend decided to take a piece of lettuce and place it on a fork while holding it back. One of the guys fell off the bench and my friend let go of the fork and... BABAMMMM! The lettuce hit him in the eye! We all kept on laughing for a while. Then we took a while to look at eachother, then laughed again!

I have tripped over 5 times in the past first three days of school! LOL!

Moments to Rememberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن