I: Summoning

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'all I need now is a hero strong enough to allow me to win the Grail and save her life' a white-haired man thought as he raise his hand out. With the needed items placed in a circle, the man begins to chant.

"Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone.

The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulates.

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Repeat every five times.

Simply, shatter once filled.

――――I announce.

Your self is under me, my fate(doom) is in your sword.

In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead.

You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance

Yet, thou serves with thine eyes clouded in chaos.

Thou, bound in the cage of madness. I am he who commands those chains." As he chants the circle begins to glow but with every word he was slowly getting tired. Then all of a sudden a pillar of light erupted all of a sudden. The man was almost blown away by the sheer power of the raging winds that swirled around the pillar.

With his right arm, he rise it up and uses it to shield himself from the light and the blowing winds. From the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of vegetation seemingly growing out of nowhere. Steeling himself he tried his best to look at the pillar of light. His eyes widen.

At the center of the pillar was a black silhouette with gleaming V-like eyes. Not only that but its left arm looks like it was made out of something. Tentacle which wraps around itself to look like an arm.

"Rrraaaaahhh!!!" With an animalistic roar, the light suddenly disappears. The man slowly lowered his arm and there right in front of him by a couple of feet was the servant he had summoned.

Clad in what assume to be a black metal suit of armor. From the helmet, taloned metal boots, and armored shoulder pads he was covered by black smoke. Hanging from his helmet and shoulder were seven thick wires each had a small metal dragon head at each end. Clawed gauntlet which screamed danger and for some reason the left arm was covered by a cloak. But the most defining feature was those visors or more specifically what was underneath them. Glowing red it holds the feeling of looking at one's soul. It held both danger and surprising comfort.

Moving its head towards the man who had summoned him he said but only one word.

"Master" The voice sounded like that of a hiss but low and almost animalistic with a hint of authority. Even though he shouldn't be afraid the said master's instinct screamed for him to flee. Shaking his head he quickly steeled himself and finally answered his Servant's question.

"Y-Yes I am" A little shaken he finally answered. Mentally sighing he felt a little bit calm but unfortunately his Servant ask another question.

"Name" Once more that voice made the man scared more. Once more he steeled himself.

"M-My name is Kariya. Berserker"Earning a nod from the said Berserker. The man whose name is Kariya suddenly went stiff for a second. Why? It was because Berserker was walking up to him. With each step he makes Kariya caught a glimpse of something a silhouette of some kind. The form of the silhouette was a dragon having seven long necks with each having its head that's looking down on him.

This time it was as if death was in front of him. Every inch of his body was telling him to run away. Fear was tearing him apart on the inside. Luckily Berserker just stop by a few feet in front of him.

"Why must you desire the Holy Grail? Master?" Berserker asks him which instantly snaps him out of his fear-stricken state. "Is it for Riches? For power? Or perhaps-"

What Kariya heard next surprised him. It was as if his Servant already know what his desire was.

"For a beloved one?"

In an instant, the tone of Berserker's voice became somewhat kind and sincere. In Kariya's mind, he thought maybe this Heroic Spirit had a past regarding his situation.

"Yes, Berserker. I want to save her! but" Mustering up every bit of courage he has left Kariya to look at Berserker and said. "I need your strength, Berserker! So please help me!"

Silence fills the air. Until it was filled with Berserker's somewhat demented chuckle.

"Master Kariya! My strength and power are yours to command! I will personally make that wish of yours come true!" After Berserker was done saying those words he went into his spirit form. "Summon me if you require me"

When the said Servant was gone Kariya look at the top of his hand and saw two swords cross against each other and a dragon's head on top. Then he collapses because of what just happened.

"What the hell did I just summon?!"

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