Friends Don't Kill Friends

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Malia's POV

Is it wrong that I cant stop thinking about Debby. I mean with everything happing with the dead pool; her lying to me almost having sex with Stiles if that wasn't a formula to piss off a girl then I don't know what is, but there's something I didn't tell her. I heard her and Stiles when they almost you know. I was going to stop them and pretty much kill Stiles and then Debby both Slowly and deadly till I heard,


I looked up and saw Stiles shocked face she was moaning my name. Stiles lifted Debby up brushing her hair back. Brushing my hair back I listen in,

"Debby, I love you; I don't know when it started, but it just happen"

Stiles laughs uneasy,

"I know I will never get a chance like this, but this doesn't feel right. Kissing you just now almost having sex. "


He put his finger on her mouth silencing her before continuing,

"You'll regret this more than me. Your devoted to Malia"

He takes a deep breath,

"And though she's pissed and probably ripping walls out of her loft, she loves you more than anything."

Laughing slightly at the memory I look around for Debby *where is she?* I look up and see her walk in making her way to Scott and Liam. Shaking my head I close my locker walking to class. Once I got to class I heard some girls talking about a bonfire,


Looking up I glare at the person,


She raises an eyebrow,

"Where's Debby?"

"How should I know"

She laughs,

"Umm she's your girlfriend; oh wait your having a fight"

*How did she know* She laughs ignoring my reaction some more,

"Are you going to the bonfire"


"Debby's going"

"I should care"

She sighs running a hand through her head,

"You don't have to go because she is going, but it will be fun you can party and get drunk it will help"

*Get drunk?* That's when I got the idea maybe getting drunk will help with the pain and I can figure out thinks with Debby *perfect*

Debby's POV

Time went by fast and it seem like soon after school it got dark, Pulling up in a black tank top with a crop jacket and dark blue skinny jeans with some black chuck Taylors. In the Beacon Hills High School courtyard, a "metal cyclone" is rigged with natural gas jets and set on fire with a torch. The flames race up the cone-shaped sculpture eliciting shouts from the crowd of students. The DJ begins to spin and the crowd sways and jumps to the music. Looking around strangely I notice One of the Security Guards approaches the DJ booth. The two lean in close to each other and exchange words. There are several other, identically dressed, security guards watching the crowd. A number of the students are drinking from red solo cups while others drink straight from flasks and bottles. The lacrosse team is all decked out in their jerseys. Meeting up with Scott I laugh once he realizes that he is overdressed in his black button down shirt,

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