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Chamber- II

"lets go "MR.Jones said and walked towards the door with nick following him carrying the box .

MR.Jones sat in TV louche with Mrs.Jones accompanying him

Nick was going to the basement when suddenly he stopped

"By the way whats inside itt.." he began inquiring the box "There are allot of interesting books in it ..I should keep it with me " saying this he went to his room and kept some books in his shelf and left some books in the box for Brad. "Brad will sure love it"


His mobile rang , he began searching for it until he found it under his pillow

"MR.NEAL!" he exclaimed , thinking why did he called , he answered the call,

"HEY! GOOD MORNING MR NEAL... IS EVERYTHING OKAY" after a pause he said " Where are you right now ? ....." HE HUFFED AND BEGAN "AGAIN IN street 4 ..MR.Neal you keep forgetting that now i live in street 2..."saying angrily ,he proceeded "okay...stay at the park ..i will meet you there", he rushed towards the door putting his phone with his ears

"No sorry Mr.neal ..My car's breaks got failed last night i will walk to you ..YEAH! YEAH ! i will be there in a 10 minutes ...DONT FORGET to stay at the park"


"♫♪ I Am ..I am all alone tonight ..thinking about past ♫♪♫"he turned the radio on and sang with it ,

"OmG its too hot today" he paused at the traffic signal

"whats that " he looked at the billboard on the building "NEW CITY FREE HOUSE SCHEME ____ THIS YEAR AS A LAST CHANCE ..DON'T FORGET TO GET YOURSELF LUCKY THIS YEAR " he read.The traffic signal opened he drove his car away thinking about the billboard.

"what the hell its fake " saying his this he tried to shook off all the thought about the billboard but still somewhere in his heart he was thinking all about it

"Southern River court " he read the sign board pointing to the left " When did they started to put up sign boards" he turned his car to the left as there were barely few cars around him.


"Mr.Neal where are you "

"I am standing where the statue is "

"OKAY i will be there"

"Nick!" an average 40 years man yelled at nick

Nick turned back to see who was calling his name,saw its was Mr Neal standing far away with the statue Mr.Haber, who made this park 20yrs ago

Nick waved at Mr.neal , and walked towards him

"I am sorry ,i kept you waiting "

"its okay dear"

"lets sit ,shall we " He pointed towards the benches

"yea sure"

they sat on a bench , "so what do you wanna tell me"

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