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Caterina makes a big mistake tonight, or is it a mistake? - Enjoy!

Our whole group, my-self, Lily, Ciara, Matt and Henry left the building together and into the bright lighted city of London. It was a warm, hazy, end of summer night and we all had too much drink. Everything at that moment in time felt like bliss, I was happy, peaceful and enjoying the excitement of the unknown.

We headed to the nearest tube station to make our way to the West-End of London and hopped onto the oncoming train. It was almost ten yet the train was brimming full of people, we, as a group, were making quite the commotion, being loud and obnoxious, onlookers stared at us irritably as we gulped the cheap alcohol from plastic bottles.

'Guys, where are we heading first?' I spoke, slurring my words and trying to keep a straight face, balancing myself between Lily and Matt. Trying to focus on not falling over onto the innocent bystanders.

'Hmmmm...Anywhere the train takes us I suppose?' Said Matt, with a cheeky grin on his face.

I looked at my phone and saw I had about five text messages and snapchats from my friends, presumably asking about how my move-in day went, I decided to reply later, when I was actually sober. The only sensible decision I made that night.

The train made its announcement for us to get off so off we went and merged with the rest of the public, looking like normal people.

The escalators proved a difficult task for my legs, I tripped and almost landed straight onto my face before Lily caught me with her arm, we looked at one another and giggled ridiculously till we had reached the top stair.

There was a lingering waft of street food combined with the smell of Chinese as we entered Covent Garden, there were students everywhere. It took us twenty minutes to walk to Tiger Tiger, the name of the nightclub we were due to go to.

'Oh my god - look at the queue to get in.' Screeched Ciara. 'That's ridiculous, I'm not waiting for that.' The queue went on for miles, Ciara was right, there was no way I was going to stand in that all night. It was irritating as I saw a couple of people being let in without having to even queue, they must have been some sort of 'VIP,' but it really annoyed me.

Henry was on the phone to one of his friends, who lives in London and started talking about some bar nearby that he can get us into for free.

'How are we going to get in for free?' I asked, curious.

London is stupidly expensive and going anywhere costs a mortgage, so I didn't quite believe him.

'Trust me, his Dad is the owner, mega-rich, we can get in.' Henry smirked, leading us to this mysterious bar. We were somewhere in Oxford-street at this point and down a well-lit corner there were a bunch of posh looking bars, I seriously doubted Henry.

Henry pointed to a bar straight in-front of us with large marble pillars by the reception area, I wondered when he was going to say that this was a joke. Apparently never, we approached the door and bouncers began to eye us suspiciously, until a boy appeared from the door, welcoming us in. The boy nodded at the bouncers and they nodded back in some sort of morse code.

And in we went.

I stood there with my mouth open, this bar was like a tardis, in fact, I think it's actually a hotel, I was shocked at how fancy it was. I was too nervous to actually touch anything in fear of it breaking.

We were led through to a loud room, I could hear the vibration of the music on the floor, a constant thump. The room was packed with people, but not just any people, everyone was dressed up in gowns and suits, I looked positively underdressed wearing a satin red slip dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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