Total Humiliation

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Hahahahaha. Nope.
Not fucking happening.
At. All.  

"Lol, no. Stop joking Bethany", I say coolly. Bethany visibly cringes and shares a look with Audrey. 

" It would just be a simple favour...." Bethany says quickly.
I'm going to strangle her. She's 26, can't she plan her own damn wedding???!! Before I can give her a piece of my mind, Audrey drags me away to the side of the lawn.

"Control your temper Avery, we don't want to cause a scene and embarrass Mom", she says sternly.

It's true. In Cedar Key, our Mom is a socialite and a local celebrity, just because she was Miss Cedar Key five years running from 14 to 19 years old. She's a legend.

She hates when we do anything to embarrass her. She barely acts like a Mom, she's always so cold and distant. She cares more about her public image then us.

" You'r right", I say calmly, while taking deep breaths.

" Also, Bethany is pretty much the one who raised us, with Joanna and Daniel'', she says.

That's very true. Our three oldest siblings, Daniel (32 yrs old), Joanna ( 21 yrs old) and Bethany ( 26 yrs old) are the ones who raised us.

I hug Audrey.

" Thank u sis. You always know how to cool my temper", I say.

When I let her go and turn around to go apologize to Bethany, I see Caleb Foster entering Nessa's yard.

That's not what surprises me though. It's the girl clutching his muscled bicep. The one he looks at like she's the world to him. Genevieve.

That's when I humiliate myself, by slipping and falling on my ass.


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