Got lost - Chapter 1

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"Where the hell am I ?" I screeched to myself. I've been following the map correctly, haven't I? Well obviously not otherwise I wouldn't be here - lost - if I was I thought to myself while gripping the map in anger. "Ugh! Why am I so stupid!" I whispered to myself. The day when I actually have an important event, and am actually going out somewhere this happens to me! Why? I turn off the engine and start looking at the map intently, trying to find out where on Earth I am. After looking at it for about 10 minutes I throw the map down in frustration on to the passengers seat next to me, knowing that I don't understand the map at all and never will.

I don't want to miss my best friend's party, Kayla would be so annoyed at me for not arriving there on time, because I told her that I wouldn't be late. That's exactly why I set off early so I could get there on time, and now look, i'm fucking in the middle of nowhere, great! Thoughts were streaming through my mind, and as they did my anger levels rose higher and higher. I decided to try and call Kayla, hopefully she would understand and maybe she would find me and I'd be fine. However, I realised with me being in the middle of nowhere, there was no signal on my phone! "Are you kidding me?" I yelled out in annoyance.

I just really hope someone comes to my rescue soon, I can't be here all day and not one person will go by, there's got to be people around here somewhere, but where? Just then I thought I saw something on the road ahead of me, I looked closer to try and get a better view, but didn't see anything. I took my chance anyway and started the engine, I gripped the steering wheel and zoomed off up the road where I thought I might have seen someone or something?

When I got there, there was nobody to be seen. My eyes scanned the surroundings, I decided to get out of my car and have a proper look. I turned my engine off once again and opened the little squeaky door beside me. I stepped out into the cool breeze as it washed over me and took a deep breath of air in, then slowly exhaled (this helped me to be less stressed and angry). It was such a beautiful day, but on the other hand it hasn't been so much of a good day for me - unfortunatley. I walked around for a bit checking for any cars or houses (or anything), however there was nothing.

As I walked back to my car I had no hope of finding anyone, so I just sat there sulking. I sat up straight in my seat, with my eyes closed thinking of what I should do - nothing came to mind. Suddenly I heard a loud thump on my window, I jumped up, screaming, my eyes opening immediately! Just then I see this young man, about my age, looking through the window at me laughing! I was distraught he found this funny, I stormed  out of my car irritated "What's so funny then?" I squirmed. He was still laughing, he couldn't stop then he said "Y-you sh" he didn't finish because he was too busy laughing! Then he finally calmed down a bit and said "You shit yourself!" then he started giggling again.

I stood there looking at him, he had beautiful blonde hair with a lovely slim body, and he had the most adorable accent - that was irish. However, he found that making someone shit themselves, extremely funny, which was odd. He then calmed down, but he had tears in his eyes from laughing too much. I then asked "where did you come from?" he answered sarcastically with "Ireland!" he smirked, I raised my eyebrows.

"I was just driving down the road, then I saw your car sitting there and after I drove beside you and realised you were sleeping, I decided to scare you!" he started laughing again, but not as much as before.

We introduced ourselves, he told me his name was Niall. Niall, his name was as cute as him.

"So, erm, Niall, i'm a little bit lost I was trying to get to my friends house because i'm going to her birthday party, however i'm not very good with maps so I lost where I was going! So could you, erm help me? please?" I suddenly got nervous and as I said all of that, I was looking down the whole time, fiddling with my fingers. When I looked up I saw Niall smiling at me, he had these cute little crinkles beside his eyes that made a fuzzy feeling inside me. Yes, I thought he was so cute!

"Of course I'll help you! Where are you wanting to be?" He grinned at me again, with raised eyebrows.

"I need to be at Rosedale, that's where she lives" I answered, he nodded and told me he would get me there.

That's when he told me "However, the only way you'll get there is by ferry, as all of the roads are blocked off. But don't ask me why, because I am really not sure of the answer." he beamed at me with his beautiful blue eyes, that I had been drowning in, in the last few minutes.

"What? Oh my God! How long will it take to get there?" I said in deperation.

"I'd say about 3 hours or so" Niall replied.

"Niall can you please take me there now?" I asked politely.

"Sure, just follow behind me!" he told me and I said ok.

So we both got back into our cars. I checked the time, it was already 4 PM and I needed to be at the party by 8:30 PM, so hopefully I'll make it there just on time. I hope.

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