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No beauty shines brighter
Than that of a good heart
So don't stop shining
Just because someone
Is intimidated by your light

Heyho! It's tigerss again! ฅ'ω'ฅ As you can see I tried the glow effect, kinda satisfied but not really, lmao

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Heyho! It's tigerss again! ฅ'ω'ฅ As you can see I tried the glow effect, kinda satisfied but not really, lmao. I should adjust the lighting on the girl but I didn't so.. Yep. (๏_๏)
Well, at least I'm trying my best

Don't forget to vote and comment what you think! Let's discuss art together!☆
-the comment board below is open for every critics and disscusion!-

Quotes source : Pinterest.
Instagram : @sliceofchips
Character idea : @jessbernadetteart
(instagram) and yes it's still a #dtiys

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