Chapter 1; before the tourture

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1997, it was a very nice day. 23 year old Lee Arnold was at his new job in california, hoping to keep this one. Lee has been through 10 different jobs. Subway imployee, babysitter, lawn mowing service, chef, and five other jobs he has been fired from.

Hi, I'm Lee the new guy. well hi, Lee the new guy, his boss Trever Gemming said sarcastically. Sorry, Lee Arnold. Ok, your job is to just simply grab this box and close it. as his boss was instructing Lee his new job and showing him around, Lee was worries about getting a house instead of living in his car.

Trever noticed there was something wrong with Lee. he asked what was wrong, Lee said, "well, I'm just worried about a HouseQ, I hope this job gives good pay cause I'm gonna need it" Trever said "no worry, you can crash at my place for a couple of weeks" Lee was impressed over what his boss just told him, but he thought, you can never say no to first offer.

chapter 2; it all begins

Rise and shine cupcake, Trever said. Lee woke up kinda frightens over his dream lastnight about him loosing everything... almost his life because of his boss.

Trever said, "hey Lee, there's going to be a party tonight, everyones going to be wasted. you coming??" No, I'm sober. Trever said "that's the way to play it ma man, anyway, me and Jesse( Travers wife ) are going to the party... you can stay here, I trust you not to burn the house down or something like that... sense you are sober. Lee said "yes sir. when you come home there will not be a smudge of anything on your house. ahhhh that's reileif to my mind, thanks.

after work:

7:00 p.m

( beep beep beep ) lee's ramen noodles sit in the microwave waiting for him to answer the beeping.  while Lee eats his ramen noodles at the table at his bosses house. he goes out to take a walk outside in the woods. he found a paper on the ground. "COLLECT ALL 8 PAGES AND THE TOURTURE IS GONE FOREVER" Lee thought this is a setu- wait what torture. so far my life has gone good.

so Lee went on walking, he found another paper "NEXT PAPER BRINGS DEATH" Lee got kinda scared, but went on. scared, cold, regretting not grabbing a coat, but still thankfull for bringing a flashlight.

Chapter 3: a new friend

as Lee was walking down a trail that he found, he heard a little girl scream for about 5 seconds, Lee was far away from trevers house, about a mile or two. Lee at this point was as scared as crap. he then heard someone walking, ( crunch crunch crunch crunch) Lee looked back and seen a man in a black suit and no face. Lee was just about to lose consciousness, he ran so fast and hard that he was dizzy.

Lee got to a point where he didnt here the horror behind him, he picked up a stick not sharp but pointy enough to penetrate the skin. after Lee looked up from picking up the stick, he found another page "4-8 GOOD JOB LEE... HAHAHAHAHAHA" Lee thought " Trever must be home... I have to wait till morning.

Lee found a tree that he could sleep in.

Chapter 4: DEATH.....

Lee woke up to the horror man at the foot of the tree, Lee taunted him "can't get up here can you you little flippin' piece of crap. the horror spoke with its mind "IS THAT ALL YOU CAN REALLY THINK OF" then the horror jumped up the tree like it was a set of stairs scooped Lee up and ripped his eyeballs out leaving his corps for whatever can find him.


thank you for reading... I will wright more books about creepypasta and other stuff... but until then, WATCH OUT;););)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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