"Adonis! Help meee! I cant reach the top of the tree!" The small neko was holding a gold star that belongs on the top of the tree. Adonis thought it was a good idea to buy a 7 foot tree, knowing Rockelle couldnt reach the top.
Rockelle huffed, folding her arms and tapping her foot waiting for him to come down. Adonis was in the background watching her try to put the star on the tree, snickering to himself. When called, he coughs a bit to cover his laughter and walks to help her. "Yes dear?" He asks, looking down at the small woman.
She was never used to how tall he was. Rockelle hands him the star with puffed cheeks and stomping feet. "Chu bought a tree knowing I couldnt reach the top! I wanted to put the star up there but I cant reach it!" She said childishly, huffing. Adonis went into a snickering fit again.
"Hey stop laughing at me! I cant help that Im so tiny!" She said, stomping away to the kitchen. Adonis places the star on the tree effortlessly. "I wasn't laughing at you love! Rockelle Im sorryyyy!" He whines childishly and follows behind her, picking her up.
Giving a squeal and a puppy whine, she shakes her head. "No! Too late! Now Im mad at chu! Put me down!" She kicks her legs and Adonis rubs her ears, knowing it would calm her down. "Putting stars on trees isnt what makes you happy. Christmas normally does. Keep acting bratty and Im gonna return the gift I got you!" He threatens, booping her nose and hugging her.
Rockelle grumbles and gave a slight purr. Now defeated, she gives another huff. "Meanie." Adonis then puts her down and she checks the food in the oven. "Now what is it that your cooking?" He asks, watching the smaller woman scramble around the kitchen. "Making us dinner silly. It's Christmas! So you cook for family! I finished everything but the soup."
With a raised brow he blinks at her. "So why bake it?" He asks confused. "Its single serve, meaning that normally they cook it on stove tops in bowls. The stove top is taken up, so obviously I have to get innovative." She said, sticking her tongue out at him as she chopped some onions to put in the soup.
The neko was very festive around this time, often wearing little Santa or elf hats and the cheesy Santa dress. We all know the one. Blasting Christmas music from the 1930s and cooking food, she was like a grandma. Yet Adonis didn't honestly get the point of it but he celebrated with her to make her happy. He only liked seeing her happy and in those cute little Santa dresses. They gave a great view of her-
"Jjigaes done!" She said happily, taking it out of the stove, plating everything. Adonis watched her mill around the kitchen, smiling at her. "You never fail to amaze me." He exclaims, watching her set the tables. "Why do you say that oppa?" She asks curiously, moving the foods from the counter to the table.
"You always seem so happy around this time. Spending hours on cooking food, decorating, and even dressing up! I love seeing you happily move around the house, singing Christmas songs. It makes me happy." He rambles on, going on about how much she makes him happy. Rockelle wasnt expecting such praise, smiling happily. To stop his rambling, she kisses him softly. He kisses back and gently places his larger hands on her waist.
"Thank chu. Now hush and eat." She said, kissing his nose and sitting beside him. After a long session of eating food, they were both stuffed. The two dorks just watched Christmas movies for the next few hours and fell asleep on the couch, going into a food coma.
{Its like 4 in the morning and this popped in my head. So I just wrote it since Adonis needs some fluff. And before ya ask, yes Im gonna do one shots on other people too. I still owe Thor, Stark, and Venom a one-shot. So please prepare for that. FANGEDFUCK here ya go, more fluff for your face. I will smother you in hugs and kisses now, ily!}

Rockelle X Characters oneshots!
RandomHere is a little idea I had based off a recent rp. I am gonna be writing little oneshots for muses based off their relationships with Rockelle.