CHRISTMAS STORY: A Fight For Giving Presents (Magne Furuholmen x Reader)

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You sighed as you walked down the busy street in Oslo. It was the day before Christmas and you wanted to buy some things before everything was closed during the holidays.

You had started working in Oslo a few months ago because you'd gotten an incredible job offer which promised you stable finances and a good future, so you had left your home country and had moved to Norway.

This however meant that you couldn't spend the Christmas holidays with your family. They decided to visit other relatives somewhere else in your home country and you couldn't really afford or let alone get a flight there. Since it was Christmas time, many people wanted to go home or visit relatives all over the world, so the airplanes were practically stuffed.

The realization that you'd have to spend Christmas all on your own had hit you only a few weeks ago and it had bummed you out ever since but now since the holidays were basically here, it hit you even more.

When you had finished shopping, you walked back to your small apartment close to the street. On your way back, your phone started ringing. While trying to get it out of your pocket, you nearly dropped all of your bags.

"Uh- hello?"

"Hey, (y/n), it's Magne!"

"Oh, hi. What's up?"

"Not much. I just wanted to ask you if you've seen my blue scarf? I can't find it anywhere."

Magne was a friend of yours who you had met only two weeks after you had started working. You bumped into each other on your way to work and had to walk in the same direction afterwards, so you had chatted and planned to go grab some coffee sometime.

The two of you had been quite close ever since. You got along very well.

Admittedly, you sometimes caught yourself having more intense feelings about him but you'd always shaken it off. Risking a friendship because of something stupid like a crush just wasn't worth it. Or was it?

"I can't remember seeing it anywhere. Have you looked under your car seat or at the bottom of your closet?"

"No, I don't think so. I'll check later. Say, what are you doing during the holidays? Visiting family?"

"Ah, no. Unfortunately, I can't go anywhere. My family is visiting other relatives in another part of my home country and besides I can't get a flight since pretty much most people want to visit family or go somewhere else for Christmas."

"Aw, bummer. I suppose you're celebrating with friends here then?"

"No, I don't really have any except for you."

"Wait, does that mean you're gonna be all alone at Christmas?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Oh, no, no, no. We're not doing that. Listen, I'll only be visiting family at the second holiday. So I'm basically free tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Which means that you're going to spend Christmas with me."

"Are you sure?"

"Come on. I just told you that I'm free. Also, I don't want to be alone either, so..."

"Alright, alright. What are we gonna do? Where?"


Magne had invited you for Christmas eve at 6 in the evening. He told you to pack some stuff for a sleepover, so you could easily connect the two holidays without unnecessary driving.

You had turned back and walked to the shopping street after your call, to buy a present for Magne. You didn't really care about if he had something for you, but since he had invited you, you thought it would be reasonable to bring a gift.

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