The Cry of the Waves

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The day my childhood was ripped away from me is one I want the world to know.

I remember chasing a school of cod when I heard the devastating news from fellow sea creatures. The birds had found a whale on the shore. Dead.
Cause of death? Tonnes of something called plastic in its stomach. I remember the exact feeling of shock and despair that enveloped me. I still feel traumatized sometimes.
How and why could this happen?
Who let it happen?
Was I next?

I slowly started noticing the bits and pieces of strange material floating around my home and learned that they were the things that had killed the whale.
Every time I ate, I had a stomach ache. My friends tell me it's because of "microplastics".

It got worse as time went by.
One by one, more and more sea creatures, friends and family members were dying. All of them, without any warning.
The worst day however, was a few weeks after the death of my brother, Jack, who had cruelly been strangled by bottle holders.
I was on my way back home when I decided to go and wander near shore. Normally, sea creatures never do this, as the animals above are very cruel, and many have suffered horrible fates because of them. I had heard many stories about them and was curious. My rebellious side wanted to see what was up there, as well as the animals that brought destruction to my home.

Suddenly, I felt something wrap around my throat, and slowly cut into my skin, suffocating me. I panicked and tried to move, but it was stuck and moving only made it worse. I couldn't breathe! I could barely move! I felt the tension rising in my throat and knew that I only had minutes of air left. Jack! Jack! Is this what happened to you? Is this how you died, too? My life flashed before me...

That was when something gripped my fin. At first I was terrified, I braced myself for the pain, but none came. I felt a caress, it somehow calmed me and felt reassuring.
The pressure around my neck dissipated, I could suddenly breathe again!
I could move!
I was free!

I wasn't going to die like so many others
had. Was this thing Poseidon ? Had he heard my prayers?
I later learned from the seabirds that it was a 'human'. A good human, not the humans who make and discard the plastics.

Plastic is destroying my watery world and my marine family. I weep for the ocean life and mourn the dead. This has to stop. In the roll of the waves, please hear my cry...

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