Chapter 1

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Astrid was flying she kept having an odd feeling about this recently the gang was failing against the grimborn brothers Vigo and Ryker fishlegs found out they had a weapon more powerful then them more smarter to quick and cunning fast and furious a danger they wonder what it would be when fishlegs discovered it was a person his name was hiccup that name rung in her ears like she has heard it before she was 20 and has a pet dog named stormfly she had the powers of a deadly nadder her team also had powers like a dragon snotloud a guy who has an ego bigger then his brain with a dog named hookfang,he has the powers of a monstrous nightmare then the twins ruffnut and tuffnut the powers of a hideous zippleback both have very explosive personality's which means they like to blow up stuff and have a pet lizard and then their is fishlegs a very husky nerd/geek he has the gronkel powers with a pet dog also and had found out what happened

When they got their they heard a scream "NO I WILL NOT USE MY NIGHT FURY POWERS for EVIL" shouted a 20 year old man we had found was hiccup he got whipped again "night fury as in lightning and death himself" murmured us he got whipped again and again then he screamed when a sword plunged into his side "fine then if we can't use you no one can" said Vigo as the sword comes out the gang attacks taking them both down they look at hiccup and he smiles a thankful smile at them before collapsing unconscious

When hiccup woke up he was in a room "where am i" said hiccup "home" said 4 voices hiccups head turned around and his hands glowed purple his teeth shown menacingly "I am never home" said him ready to shot "why" asked Astrid "why what" asked him "why are you never home" asked Astrid again he lowered his arms down and tears fell out of his eyes "my dad once he found out about my abilities he called me a freak and disowned me a disappointment I Roamed these streets I was found by the grimborn brothers" he cried and at that point his voice stopped he felt to sad to continue Astrid approached him and hugged him ending up in many gasps from the gang he hugged back and cried in her shoulder "well ur safe here" said Astrid as hiccup continues to cry he then falls asleep "safe here' said Astrid as she to falls asleep the gang long ago decided that they would go to bed


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