Day Thirteen

16 4 14

Andie is still rather young, but I tell her about Chase all the time. She sort of remembers him. She was still pretty little when he left, but she's a brilliant little girl.

She really does have a future ahead of her. Maybe a future Arkadian leader. It's in her blood. If not by me, definitely by Chase.

It's the cutest thing, when I tell her about him. Her little eyes light up and her semi-toothless mouth curves into a crooked smile. She loves to hear stories about him and everything we've been through together.

I only tell her all the good things though. Don't get me wrong, there's thousands to go around, and I don't think I'm ever going to run out. There's just so many other things that Andie doesn't deserve to know about him. I can't ruin her image of him, because he's still amazing.

We've all made our mistakes and I wouldn't want Santana or someone going around and telling Andie mine. So I'm not going to fill her head with the (very few) mistakes of Chase Brown.

We're all growing more and more comfortable with the bunker, it seems, but I'm still not sold completely. It's just not home-y.

Andie adjusted to it just fine, but I hate the fact that this place is going to be the first place she remembers as a home.

Underground and without her whole family. What kind of childhood home is that?

Even if we were all together, it would be 100% better. Father, mother, and daughter. In one spot. Instead, you have them in the same universe, but separated.

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