Rosting time!!! >:3

229 7 1

Shu: *training and miss launches* Damn it!!
Nikole: *copies him in a teasing matter* *high pitched voice: Damn it!!*
Joshua: Don't you ever get tired of copying Shu?
Nikole: Don't you ever get tired of copying Zac? -.-
Silas: *flirts with a random girl*
Free: Be careful Silas
Silas: Why?
Free: Porque el supermercado se llena cuando la carne esta barata
(Because the supermarket gets full when the meat is cheap)
Silas: %3#$&9@3€£6
Wakiya: Hey Honcho can you help me and my friends little argument
Honcho: Sure.....I guess....
Wakiya: My friend swears that they are 23 letters in the alphabet but I say there are 21
Honcho: The fauq?? There are 26 letters
Wakiya: Oh I'm sorry I must have forgotten U R A Q T
Honcho: Well your friend was closer they only forgot B Y and E
Through text:
Valt: I need your opinion on this shirt Shu *sends the pic*
Shu: It's nice but I rather see it on the floor ;)
Valt: *sends picture of the shirt on the floor*
Valt: There you go :D
Nikole: And that's it people all the roast I could think of :v hope you enjoy
~Nikkie has signed out~

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