"Why's it so damn dark in here?"

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I put my hands in my hoodie pocket, feeling the breeze hit my face. I sighed, my dad kicked me out after i told him i was gay. Fuck him. My MP3 player was playing the green day album American idiot, one of my favorite albums personally. I was heading towards my moms house, she was my last hope, besides my 18 year old brother, Xander.

I let out a shaky breath, what if neither of them wanted me around? I couldn't ask them, i didn't have a phone. It was starting to get dark out, but i was so close to my mom's place. I didn't want to stop. My legs were aching from walking so far. Mr. Brightside was playing on my MP3 player now. I finally reached my moms house. I was hesitant to walk up the concrete stairs.

I finally mustered the courage to walk up the steps, I knocked on the door. No one answered. I sighed, "mom I know you're home." Finally she opened the door, letting me in. We sat at the table. "Why are you here?" She asked. "I uhm....dad kicked me out for being gay." I almost mumbled but she clearly heard me. "Oh, well for now you can stay here. It's much too dark for you to head to Xander's. You can go tomorrow." She said. I sighed. "It's fine, I can go now."

I got up from the table and went outside. I sighed. Xander's house is only two blocks from here so it should be fine. I walked about halfway there before someone came behind me. I heard them clearly and turned around to punch them. I turned and as soon as I did a cloth rag was pushed against my nose and mouth. I tried to fight back but quickly passed out.

When i woke up I refused to open my eyes. I heard footsteps come closer. "Who's There!?" I tried my best to sound brave and unphased, but my voice trembled. "My my. So feisty, like always." I recognized the voice. "Wait- Xanders uncle, winston?" Me and Xander had separate fathers. "Correct." "What the hell man? Why's it so damn dark in here?" I said, i calmed down since i heard mostly good things about Winston. "Oh don't worry about that Camry." he said.

Winston soon turned on a huge light on top of the table i was laying on, i think it was a table. I had no clue what the fuck was happening. I tried moving my arms, to scratch my nose but i couldn't. "Oh don't even try, your arms are tied to the table." Winston said, grabbing something, i couldn't quite see what it was though.

I watched his movements closely. He scratched the scruff on his chin, i studied his face closely. He looked about 20 really, his olive coloured skin had a natural glow to it. He only had some scruff, not a full on beard, his almond brown hair was a huge mess. "You should wash your damn hair." I said. "You should shut your mouth" he said, pushing up his glasses.

I felt a sharp pain in my neck, a needle. I could identify the pain after having got so many shots in my life. "Wha-"  "G-362. A gene that in theory should make you feel nothing." He said. I could no longer keep my eyes open. The air felt heavy. I could hear Winston's breathing. I was so tired all the sudden. I fell asleep.

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