The Bully

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      Chloe was a rich and pretty girl and had a lot of friends. Lucy on the other hand was poor and didn't have many friends.

      One day Lucy was walking to school alone and suddenly Chloe popped up and started bullying her.She called her names,hit her,messed her hair up,ripped off her clothes,and made her go to school without any clothes of Chloe's friends saw her doing it and immediately went and told the principle.

Right when she walked in the school everybody moved away from her and didn't want to be her friend.

She asked a girl from her class;Clarice .  "Clarice why is everybody acting like this?"

Clarice replied "Vanessa saw you bullying Lucy and told the principle"

"Then how do the kids know"

"The principle told the kids and your parents"

"VANESSA" she screamed running towards her

Vanessa replied "yes Chloe"

"Clarice told me what happened"

"You were bullying her and i don't  want to be friends with someone who bully's people"

"bu.. Bu..But"

"that's  it me or your other friends don't like you anymore"

She left crying.

When she came home her parents transferred her to another school and told all the kids what she did.That left Chloe having no friends.

Moral:Treat others the way you want to be treated  

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