Making an Entrance

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I couldn't believe it. Today was the day I finally got to join the legendary Beacon academy! Mum and Dad would be so excited! As the airship drew closer to the academy, the people around me began to start murmuring with trepidation. I couldn't blame them! The airship was starting to near the landing area, but I decided against that. I mean, what's the point of making an entrance if you're not... Well... Making an entrance? What to do... I smiled.

Groaning as I got up from the small crater, I thought that maybe jumping of the thing flying you somewhere might not have been a great idea. But hey, what doesn't kill you... Rolling my neck, a satisfied smirk slid it's way onto my face as I heard the pops, and I started to walk forwards. People seemed to be looking at me. The price of my little stunt, I supposed. But that had been the point of it, right? To get people looking? Anyway, apparently there was some kind of assembly speech thing we had to go to, so I decided on going that way. Luckily, thanks to the map we had been sent, and I had been forced to memorise, I knew the way to the hall it would be given in.

The speech, overall was thoroughly boring. Fortunately for me, with an attention span somewhere between a squirrel's and a hummingbird's, there were mentions of action. We were about to undergo some kind of test that would put us into teams, which sounded fun. I hadn't paid much attention. As we started walking to the designated area, I could feel the person beside me practically vibrating with nervousness. "Dude," I laughed, "you're practically vibrating with nervousness!" He looked at me. "Of course I am! Didn't you pay any attention?"
"Of course I did. . .n't. Why?"
"We're going to be going facing real Grimm out there!" I made a non committal gesture with my hands, and shrugged.
"So!?" He stared at me. "I just- Didn't I say-... GRIMM!" I shrugged again, and in response he shook his head. "Well I hope you don't die out there."
"Neither do I, very much," I drawled, every bit of it dripping with sarcasm, "but in case I manage to make it out, my name's Peter." He paused for a moment, and then -
"Jin." He looked ahead, and then back at me. "I've gotta go anyway, so see you around, Peter." And with that, he jogged onwards, presumably to catch up with a friend.

We all gathered at the precipice of a cliff face, and various teachers organised us into a line, each of us on some weird kind of plate. The same person who had given the opening speech began to speak once more.
"Throughout the year, you will each be divided into teams of four members. Once you have been put into a team, that will be your team, and your only team. You will not be able to change your team. You will be thrown into the woods, and you will have to make it back here, within the span of 6 hours, with both three other students, and a chess piece between the four of you. And oh yes, the first three people you meet will be your teammates. Begin." And with that, the first in the line, three to my right was launched. From the cliff. Into the woods. There was most certainly a scream. "Oh my God. You meant literally thrown, didn't you!?" I asked the speech giver.
"Yes. And it appears you're up next."
"Wha-" I looked down. The green flashing light looked up. "OH, SHI-"

A.N: Yo! I hope you liked the first part to my story! There'll probably be other parts by the time this goes live (edit: nevermind) so... Yeah. Also, if any of you might be wondering about my other story... (I doubt it, but you never know) I'll get around to it. Sometime. Probably. Maybe. Possibly. Probably not... Anyway, see you next time!

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