Team Building Excercise

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Whipping past me, tree branches attacked my skin, and while my aura took most of it I could still feel it. THOOM! I landed in a tree, blowing it apart, and as I sluggishly got to my feet I groaned. Huh. I can smell a Grimm. I turned slowly. "Ah," I said intelligently, upon seeing a particularly large Ursa. [AN: not an Ursa Major, just a rather big Ursa Minor] "Hello there-" The Ursa launched itself at me, and I braced for impact- Nothing happened. Looking up, I spotted the Ursa, now pinned to a tree by the head with an arrow. Turning, I asked the girl to my left, "You're doing, I presume?" She smiled and nodded. "Well, I guess we're on a team then."
"Yeah. My name's Rin. Rin Daveele."
"Nice to meet you Miss Raveele." 
"Actually," she spoke, "I'm nonbinary."
"Ah. Nice to meet you, mi...ster...mis-" I hesitated. "Nice to meet you, Rin." They smirked as I nodded satisfactorily.
"Well... Do you have any idea what we're supposed to be doing?" I aske-  PAINPAINOWOWFUCK 

"I was about to say..." Rin called out as I started to sit up, "you didn't seriously think a single arrow to the head was enough to take down an Ursa, right?"
"Well clearly..." I groaned as I pulled myself out of the wreckage of the tree I was just thrown through, "I did." I scowled. "Could've warned me a bit sooner though."
"Hush" I replied as the Ursa clawed the ground.
"You okay? That was quite a blow back there."
"I'll be fine. Taken worse hits-"
Well that was just unnecessarily long.
"Well that was just unnecessarily long" Rin muttered. Yep. We're going to get along juuust fine.
"Alright then." Brushing a splinter off my shoulder and clearing my throat, I stood tall facing the Ursa. "Your parents and I were just discussing your behaviour, and we really think-" The Ursa roared for a third time as it lept at me - joke's on it though. I'm ready for it.  As its full weight bore down upon me, I braced against the ground and, feet sinking slightly into the ground beneath me, caught its paws in my hands.
"Roar indeed." I bared my teeth at it and brought one shoulder over the other, spinning as I did, using my strength in combination with its own wait to throw it - Oh. Whoops. 
Rin leapt out of the way, bringing themself to the ground.
I winced. "Sorry" I called out.
They scowled at me in response. "How'd you even do that anyway? That thing has to weigh at least two thirds of a tonne."
"Probably more," I nodded. "Well what can I say, I drink lots of milk. Anyway," gesturing at the rising Ursa, "would the kind ladiiiieeeeeee I was really hoping I could think of a word applying to someone like yourself but utterly failed. Would you like the final blow?"
They chuckled, and replied, "Don't mind if I do." Gracefully yet quickly, they drew and knocked another arrow, briefly aiming before letting the arrow fly loose, completely veering off target.
"I can't help but notice you missed."
Clipping their bow to their back, they cracked their wrist. "I don't miss."
The Ursa shook its head.
"Ar- Are you sure? Because it looks like you missed." They shrugged.
The Ursa flexed its jaws and rumbled slightly.
"You're confident? You're sure you didn't miss that Ursa over there?"
"I never said I was aiming at the Ursa."
Falling into a slow trot and then picking up its pace, the Ursa began to charge.
"Wh... Why the fuck not!?" I readied for impact, and then-
CREAK. With a resounding crash, a tree a few metres to the right fell, crushing the Ursa.
"......Okay there is no fucking way you did that."
Nonchalantly, they shrugged again.
"...Show off," I muttered, bringing a chuckle out from them.
"And you weren't?"
"- Touche."
Rin's eyes briefly lit up, noticing something I hadn't. Glancing over to where they were looking, I realised. "Aha."
"That was easier than expected."
Lying just inside the Ursa's still open mouth, covered in a layer of slobber, was a somehow untouched, gleaming Pawn.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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