seven jolly sins

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christmas music.

the music started way before the christmas season actually came around. this time, they played the music after thanksgiving dinner.

pin tried to shield herself from the imminent christmas doom, but coiny just insisted that she jumped in along with him.

"come on. are you really just gonna sit around and watch like you do every other year? let this year be different."

"yeahhh no. not doing that. besides, there are sixty-two other people around us. will i even enjoy it as much, being around so many new faces? i don't even have anyone to celebrate with."

"nonsense. you've come to me for pretty much anything you needed help with, and it's not like i'm begging to spend the season with you! i just think you need someone to celebrate with, and since you practically love me then i'm offering my own company."

"i don't love you coiny!" pin hollered.

coiny gave a disapproving smile. "you sure?"

"at least, not in that way! true, you have been a really great companion."


pin huffed as coiny smirked.

"...and i guess it wouldn't hurt to spend christmas with you?"

"that's the spirit! come on, you're gonna have so much fun. but first there's something you need to do."


"you hear that?"

"what, that nonsensical music that blares on and on about christmas romance that never happens?"

"you know everyone always ignores the words anyways, right? but listen to the sounds! the instruments! the bells! can you hear it too?"


coiny pouted. it was a fake pout, but it grabbed all of pin's attention nonetheless. "can you at least try to listen? look, close your eyes and think about it for a second. how happy do the sounds make you feel?"

pin shut her eyes and listened.

"feels oddly uplifting. like i'm being carried away to heaven by santa's rumored sleigh."

coiny laughed. "you're getting there pin. okay?"

pin opened her eyes and scoffed at coiny. "highly doubt it."

"watch. by the twenty-fifth you're going to be screaming carols and pelting snowballs everywhere."

"guess we just have to see about that, coiny."


hot cocoa.

pin had always admired the smell, and the way the mini marshmallows that occasionally appeared splattered randomly on the surface crunched in her mouth and in between her teeth.

coiny had made two fresh cups of the stuff, complete with whipped cream piped in his cup, and mini marshmallows completely coating the surface and even forming a small hill in pin's cup.

pin graciously held the cup as coiny slouched into the other half of the loveseat and sighed, just breathing in the heat of the hot cocoa.

pin tipped a mouthful of the sugary, small marshmallows into her mouth and crunched on them, feeling fully satisfied as they all dissolved into one big sweet mush that lasted even as she swallowed.


she tilted a bit more of the liquid into her mouth and chewed up the few marshmallows she had gulped as the sweetness of the chocolate flooded her tongue, but then she felt something. a little spicy kick.

seven jolly sins (bfb one-shot fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now