Chapter Six

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. School has started and I have had no time for anything. Thanks for sticking with me and enjoy the (short, sorry) chapter six!

"AHHH!" Derek screams as he wakes up from another nightmare. Gunshots and blood haunted him from behind closed eyes. He hates what he did for this stupid country. Innocents lost in a pointless battle for what? Land? Unbelievable. It was just unbelievable.

Derek was relieved when Stiles stepped back into the room. He had barely talked to the young man but Stiles gave him solace. Or maybe it was just peace of mind. He could relax with Stiles around. Stiles held his hand and Derek drifted back to sleep. He had decided that it wasn't worth it.


The next morning all he heard about from the doctor was the need for a councilor. He had PTSD and needed help, at least that's what everyone said. But he felt fine. Sure, a little under rested, but dreams are dreams, right? That's not what the doctor said. So instead of marking Derek off for his mental evaluating, he signed him up for an appointment with a councilor from the VA who 'specialized' in this kind if thing. Yet another unbelievable thing. He serves his country, then gets treated like a ten year old. Great. What was next?

Derek could tell Stiles felt bad. He had argued with the doctor but to no result. He currently sat next to the fuming Derek, rubbing soothing circles on top of his hand. "It'll be alright. And maybe the councilor will help. I know know you've been having nightmares lately, Derek."

"Dreams," Derek lowly mutter.

"What was that?" Stiles asked, leaning in to listen again.

"Just dreams," Derek repeats a little louder this time.

Stiles looks away and sighs. "Oh, Derek," he mutters.


The next day Claudia and Tom visit again. Derek says a few words, then falls silent. Stiles and his mom take a walk through the quarry, the sheriff staying behind with Derek. "He's not acting like himself, mom. Not even close anymore."

"He's hurt, Stiles. But he doesn't know it yet. It's a lot to cope with for him and he's trying hard, but still struggling. He needs guidance. The councilor will help but you have to be there to push him in the right direction. He'll fight you, but you'll find your Derek again. I promise you that."

Stiles nodded and though over the words in silence. Derek needed time and he knew that. He did, but he wanted Derek to be better. And now. Stiles' patience was running low and he knew it. He could feel it in his blood. This councilor better help, Stiles though, or I'm going to go crazy.

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