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Name: Robin

Age:  15

Gender:  female

Species: vampire and magic user

Relationship: single (straight)

Appearance:  Robin has long straight hip length black hair and bright violet eyes. shes average height and rather pale. Robin wears short booty shorts and an over sized bagget hoodie completly black with lace and some parts wrapped in purple ribbon. She has a straight fringe that sweeps over her eyes and afew violet streecks in her hair.

Personality: Robin  has a very sweet and kind looking aparence, and can act the same way to get what she wants but on the inside shes cold as ice. Robin was abused through childhood and commited suicide afew weeks after her death she was brought back to life. After that her heart grew cold hating everyone and everything. The way she acts is just a big mask to hid the fact that shes scared and just wants friends but dosnt want to get hurt

Master: NA

Family: James her older bro.

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