Year 2590

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Anxious as a cat, you wanted to try out your brand-new ability.

Slowly closing your eyes, you are starting to get an image, a vision of a world far beyond your expectations.

There you are, hovering over a city at night time, the skies are filled with stars and the moon shines so bright, you are in awe of how spectacular the night sky looks. You now shift your attention to the glimmering city below you, hundreds of skycrapper like structure compromises this city, lights so lavish, and beautiful that it adds up to the mood of relaxation and enjoyment as you are stunned by how beautiful and advanced the city is.

The streets are quite busy, people are roaming the area and enjoying themselves, eating the delicious foods they've bought, playing with objects yet discovered , dating and even floating.

The air is filled with flying cars, actual hoverboards, and levitating objects that you yourself couldn't have imagined to be made possible by humans.

You've never been so amazed your entire life, and you take your time looking and enjoying the scenery right in front of you. You couldn't be more proud of what mankind had achieved.

But wait hold up, you are now just starting to notice that this city is located on a flat, desserted landscape, nothing surrounds it, not even trees, mountains or bodies of water. You find it strange to see this kind of environment.

Curious as you are, you started moving closer to the outskirts of the city, only to see the most hideous sight you've ever laid your eyes upon.

Beyond the 200 ft. walls that serves as the boundaries of the city are garbage dumps a hundred meters high, composed of wasted foods, junk items, and papers. But as you go farther, you see a million tons of plastic. Although you aren't able to smell, but just by plain vision, you could already imagine the atrocious smell it has.

Grossed out by the layers and layers of the garbage you've seen, you started to feel like vomiting. But you controlled yourself, and you have the desire to go further, and see for yourself if all that there is are garbage, you want to find out whether there are other cities out there.

You hovered for thousands of miles, but to no extent could you find anything but garbage and plastics, there were no signs of existence. All that is left is this city.

You look again at those people, they seem so worry-free, they don't seem to care of their situation.

You realized that you've been there for hours, yet there were no signs of the sun rising, and to your surprise, the city is covered with a tremendous sheet that is painted with the night sky, and whats outside are just plastics flying in the air aimlessly.

Having enough, you quickly snapped out of that vision, and you started to regret that you accepted the ability of clairvoyance.

Year 2590 #PlanetOrPlastic (Book 1 of the Year Series)Where stories live. Discover now