chapter 1

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I'm here but no one sees me I'm like a ghost flitting along no one sees me not even a boy that I'm crushing on I m just a lonely person . Tile I hear that strange voice "hi" who could it be the sound was sweet and calm but I don't have any friends I'm better off alone .I hear it again I turn around Becky Armstrong the sweetest girl in school and she is saying hi to is their something wrong ? I ask her why are you talking to me if we have never even have exchanged glances before I'm confused. she tells me everything and I'm starting to warm up to her but not that much .well at least school is out Becky can get annoying she talks to much .I rush home my parents were their but they didn't even say hello just " dinner is on the table " errrrr oh how I hate my life when can I leave or when will they understand me huh when I run up to my room my pillow is my only friend I yell into my pillow " why, why don't they get it I want to be with them but they just don't ,don't listen. I start sobbing into my pillow now I'm wishing I was never born or alive .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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